"Show up. Dive in. Stay at it."

On Tuesday night in his farewell address to the nation, President Obama warned that "without bolder action, our children won't have time to debate the existence of climate change. They'll be busy dealing with its effects." But President Obama also reminded us how we can achieve the bold action that's needed to address this and other threats to our planet: Change, he said, "only happens when ordinary people get involved and they get engaged, and they come together to demand it." Over the next four years, we must heed that call to be engaged guardians of our democracy and our planet. In President Obama's words, we need to "Show up. Dive in. Stay at it."

In eight days Donald Trump will become the only world leader who doesn't believe in climate change. The Sierra Club is actively mobilizing opposition to Trump's dangerous and extreme cabinet nominees. We are also laying the groundwork for campaigns to block policies that would destroy our climate, decimate our jobs and livelihoods, and undermine the civil rights and liberties won in many hard fought battles.

As we say goodbye to the Obama Administration and prepare for the Trump Administration, we invite you to join us at the following Bay Area events to make it clear from the start: we will stand with immigrants, communities of color, women, the LGBTQ community, and workers to protect our planet now and for future generations.

San Jose Day of Action to Protect Immigrants and Refugees:

This Sat, Jan 14, 11 am - 1 pm, San Jose City Hall, 200 E Santa Clara St (RSVP)

Show up for immigrants on Saturday, making clear that a broad-based, unified movement will oppose and obstruct Trump's destructive and hate-filled plans, whether they target immigrants, other at-risk groups, or our environment.

Women's Marches: Saturday, January 21

Oakland: 10 am - 3 pm, Madison Park (9th & Madison) (RSVP)

Walnut Creek: 10:30 am - 1:30 pm, Civic Park, 1375 Civic Dr (RSVP)

San Francisco: 3 - 8 pm, SF Civic Center (RSVP)

The Women's March invites all people (not just women) to join together to stand for equity and justice for all people, and send a clear message to the new Administration on their first day in office that women's rights are human rights.

Photo courtesy www.whitehouse.gov/farewell.




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