Richmond City Council protects 430 hillside acres in unanimous vote

On January 24th, the Richmond City Council voted 6-0 to adopt the Richmond Hills Initiative, thereby protecting from development 430 acres of beautiful hillside land in the El Sobrante Valley of Richmond. The scenic area lies directly below Wildcat Canyon Regional Park at the northern tip of San Pablo Ridge. The vote capped a nearly two-year effort by dozens of volunteers to design, write, and collect petition signatures for the open space initiative.

The newly protected area is home to many native plants and animals including a variety of rare and endangered species, and boasts commanding panoramic views of San Pablo Bay and the peaks of Napa and Sonoma Counties. Steep, unstable soils make the site completely inappropriate for large-scale development, yet numerous such proposals have been made over the years to do just that.

The initiative designates the land for appropriate open space uses such as agriculture and grazing; rearing, boarding and care of animals such as horses; and low-intensity outdoor recreation such as hiking, horseback riding, nature study and enjoyment, outdoor summer camps, agricultural and nature education centers, photography studios and the like. Strong protections are provided for wetlands, stream corridors, wildlife, steep slopes, and scenic resources.

In addition to Sierra Club support, the initiative was endorsed by the California Native Plant Society, Greenbelt Alliance, California Wildlife Foundation, California Oaks Coalition, Forests Forever, Canyon Park Friends of Open Space, and Contra Costa County Supervisor John Gioia.

After fifteen speakers rose to support the initiative at the council meeting, Councilman Jael Myrick, who recently won reelection with the Club’s endorsement, immediately moved to adopt the initiative. Councilman Eduardo Martinez, a Sierra Club West Contra Costa County Group Executive Committee member, seconded the motion. Without debate, the Council voted unanimously to adopt. (Vice-mayor Jovanka Beckles left the meeting early due to illness but also supported the initiative.)

For over forty years, local residents have fought back development of the hills one project at a time. Now the initiative’s protections are part of the Richmond General Plan and can only be changed by a vote of the people of Richmond.

Say thank you to the council members! Find their contact information here.

Image credit: photo by Dick Schneider

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