On Monday: a milestone for clean energy in Alameda County

This Monday, January 30th, the governing body of the new East Bay Community Energy program (EBCE) will meet for the very first time. This is a major milestone in our long campaign for local clean energy, and it's all thanks to the support of community members like you who stood up to demand a better option than the dirty energy of the investor-owned utility.

But our work isn't over. Active participation and oversight by Alameda County's diverse communities will be vital to ensuring a local power program that lowers greenhouse gas emissions and creates equitable community benefits. The critical work of shaping the program's design and path forward will be done in 2017 and we need you standing with us. Will you join us on Monday?

WHEN: Monday January 30, 6:30 pm

WHERE: Hayward City Hall, 777 B St. (across the street from the Hayward BART station)

RSVP Here!

We need your help to hold the new board members of EBCE accountable to the needs of our frontline and low-income communities of color. Among our goals for the program are local renewable energy development, community jobs, and lower greenhouse gas emissions. 

To make the most of this exciting opportunity for Alameda County we need to make sure that community voices are heard at every step of the program's development. Join us on Monday to celebrate our progress and make sure our new community-owned power program is everything we want it to be.

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