I'm ready, are you? A post-election message

By Minda Berbeco

These have been a wild few weeks here at the Bay Chapter. I started my position as director in mid-September, just as the election season was heating up, and I have to say it’s been a roller coaster of work and emotion.

Often we think of ourselves as a little bubble here in the Bay Area, able to avoid the hazards of presidential politics or federal regulations. I'm afraid, though, that there are some realities ahead that will burst that bubble: an anti-science, climate-change-denying president; a senate and house dominated by politicians who are determined to undermine environmental regulations that protect the water we drink and air we breathe; an incoming administration that has no respect for the health and safety of the people they are meant to protect. All communities in the Bay Area will be impacted—whether you are living next a refinery or in a coastal city susceptible to sea-level rise. We are all in this together. 

Though I am afraid, I am also hopeful. The Bay Chapter is 30,000 members strong. Locally, our endorsed candidates and ballot measures did quite well—with many of our endorsees leading the way to a brighter future for the Bay Area and beyond. Reading through this issue of the Yodeler, I am filled with pride for all of the work we are doing, from helping to put limits on toxic refinery pollution, to advancing renewable-energy programs, to protecting our waterways, wildlife habitats, and open spaces. Our presence is felt throughout the region and it is a beacon of hope for the nation. 

You may be wondering what you can do to help. There is a lot!

  • Become a member: If you're not already a member, join today! It's a fundamental way to show your support for our environmental mission and grow the Sierra Club's influence here in the Bay Area.
  • Get involved in your local groups and committees: The Sierra Club SF Bay Chapter is divided into eight local groups within our four counties. Each group addresses local environmental challenges and fights for progress in their area. We also have topic-specific committees that work on everything from water to energy. Get involved -- we need your help! Find information about our local groups and issue committees on our website, or sign up to volunteer.
  • Respond to our calls to action: Never has it been more important to have the voices of all of our members and supporters heard. Let's make sure that the policymakers know what we want! If you don't get our action alert emails yet, find out how to sign up here.
  • Donate to the local chapter: We can't do our work here at the chapter without your support. With the Trump administration coming in, our work is going to triple -- help us build our capacity to keep fighting for the environment by making a gift today.

There are many challenges ahead, but we can do this together. Please join me in a new era for the SF Bay Chapter of the Sierra Club. The challenges will be greater than ever before and we need to work together to navigate the waters ahead. I’m ready, are you?

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