Chapter ExCom applications due soon

Bay Chapter leaders and staff at a retreat.If you're interested in running for a position on the Bay Chapter Executive Committee or the Executive Committee for your local group, heads up: Applications are due soon! To be considered for nomination, applications must be received by September 5th. Petition applications are due by September 26th.

The Sierra Club is a grassroots, volunteer-driven organization, so our volunteer leaders are key to our success. Chapter and group Executive Committees represent Sierra Club members in deciding local conservation policy, endorsing political candidates, and administering programs and activities: essential functions that require a substantial, sustained commitment from our volunteer leadership. If you are a member with experience in environmental issues, organizing, advocacy, fundraising, or have other relevant skills, please consider running.

You can find the election calendar, application forms, and much more information about the structure and responsibilities of our Executive Committees on our election webpage.



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