Each member can vote for the Executive Committee leaders for the San Francisco Bay Chapter and the Executive Committee for their local group (see map for approximate group boundaries or call the chapter office at 510-848-0800 if you're not sure what group you're part of).
Note that the membership dates listed for each candidate are those listed in the Club membership database, but may not be completely accurate, especially for earlier time periods.
For instructions on casting your ballot, return to the Chapter election homepage.
Click the following options to be brought to the relevant candidate statements:
- Chapter
- Delta Group
- Marin Group
- Mount Diablo Group
- Northern Alameda County Group
- San Francisco Group
- Southern Alameda County Group
- Tri-Valley Group
- West Contra Costa County Group
Chapter Executive Committee
There are seven candidates. You may vote for four or fewer.
Melinda Howard-Herrarte
Residence: Berkeley
Occupation: Project Manager
Sierra Club member since: 2019
- Alternate Representative, Chapter Executive Committee
Vice Chair, Northern Alameda County Group Executive Committee
Conservation Committee, Northern Alameda County Group
United Nations Association Chapter Director, Division Vice President of Education, and National Council Representative
I strongly believe in the goals and mission of the Sierra Club. Urgent climate action, while ensuring that policy decisions are made with eye on equity, is critical. We maximize our impact when everyone has a seat at the table, so I’m particularly interested in finding ways to promote equity and inclusion at all levels of leadership in the Chapter and the Club. As a representative on your Chapter Executive Committee, I’d like to explore creative ideas for local and global partnerships to fight the climate crisis, and be a champion for environmental justice. I live in Berkeley and work full time as a project manager for a local nonprofit healthcare company, where I am San Francisco/Oakland co-site lead of its employee environmental group. I split my volunteer time between Sierra Club and the United Nations Association (UNA). I currently serve on UNA’s National Council, and in leadership roles in my local Chapter and the Northern California Division. I advocate at the federal level for issues like re-entry into the Paris Climate Accord. In 2019, during my final term as President of the East Bay Chapter, I presented Global Citizen Awards for climate justice to Sierra Club SF Bay Chapter, 350.org, and Impossible Foods. Previously, I led efforts to convene a Climate Symposium in Berkeley, in partnership with the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP). Speakers included local IPCC report authors, Drs. Dan Kammen and Kirk R. Smith.
Becky Evans
Residence: San Francisco
Sierra Club Member since: 1969
- SF Bay Chapter Chair 2014-17
- Sierra Club Council Delegate 2015-2020
- Chapter Executive Committee since 2011
- San Francisco Group Executive Committee
- Member, Chapter Finance, Staff Management and Political Committees
- Sierra Club Colby Library volunteer 2005-present
- Ed Bennett Lifetime Achievement Award
- People for the Parks
My issues work over many years has been focused on parks, waterfront and water as well as citizen efforts on sewage and transportation - translate that to a I Clean Water Advisory panel and Doyle Drive (now the Presidio Parkway). Waterfront planning - Piers 30-32 and SF's Proposition B will be coming into focus again. As the Chapter's Council Delegate for the past five years, I've made a habit of sharing every piece of important information that comes my way on national actions and activities.
The Bay Chapter website describes what the ExCom is and what we do. There are 17 members including 9 elected by the membership. We are all volunteers - writers, attorneys, consultants, scientists and retirees. We oversee the Chapter staff, budget, potential litigation and political endorsements. And we have a lot of meetings. These days, a lot of Zoom meetings.
We are a few of the Sierra Club's many representatives. The Chapter's successes are yours, the products of the hearings you attend and the letters you write. These days our efforts are doubly important.
We need to bring more of our 35,00 members into activist roles - fighting sea level rise, climate change and housing a growing Bay Area population. Please come aboard.
I'd appreciate your vote to re-elect me to the Chapter Executive Committee.
You can contact me at rebecae at earthlink.net (please put "Chapter Elections" in the subject line).
Nick Pilch
Residence: Albany
Occupation: Manager of Software Engineers
Sierra Club Member since: 1990
- National and Local Outings Leader, 2005-present
- Northern Alameda County (NAC) Executive Committee (Excom) member 2010-2011
- Bay Chapter Excom member 2011-2016
- Outreach Committee chair 2011-2012
- Nominations/Elections Committee Chair 2013
- Fundraising Chair 2015
- Local Ballot Measure Review Committee 2016-present (Sierra Club California).
I have a long history with environmentalism and the Club. I was active in Club Outings for many years before I began political service with the Club. As an Excom member, I filled many volunteer roles as well as my Excom role.
I co-founded Albany Strollers & Rollers, and volunteered with the Albany Climate Action Coalition.
I’ve had the privilege of serving on the Albany City Council for the last six years where I continued my environmental work and advocacy. I was appointed to the League of California Cities Environmental Quality Policy Committee. I supported and campaigned for city environmental work and ballot measures, such at the 2020 Albany Measure DD which will fund climate action work. I’ve served 4 years on the East Bay Community Energy Board, our own CCA which allows us to choose green energy.
My priorities for the Chapter are:
- Cordial and respectful and fruitful relationships amongst volunteers and leaders
- Diversity in all aspects
- To attract and retain young membership. Increasingly, the membership is skewing older. We can’t maintain the Club if we can’t continue to bring in young volunteers and leaders.
- To attract and retain people of color. The Sierra Club must represent the diversity of our geographic boundaries.
- To make sure the Chapter is working on all aspects of environmental work – environmental justice, and climate change including alternative transportation and energy, and resource conservation.
- Finally, to maintain fiscal solvency. The Chapter depends on contributions and fundraising is imperative. I will do my part in donating and fundraising as well.
You can contact me at nicky at mindspring.com and 510-525-3405.
Marisol Rubio
Residence: San Ramon
Occupation: Health Care Provider
Sierra Club member since: 2019
- Dublin San Ramon Services District Division 1 Director-Elect
- Former State Senate District 7 Candidate
- County Central Committee Issues Committee Co-Chair and At-Large Delegate
- Contra Costa Labor Council Delegate
- SEIU Democracy Captain
- Human Rights and Environmental Advocate
Protecting our environment has been a personal passion since my early years in college when I became involved in several forest restoration projects and learned firsthand how human behavior directly impacts our environment. During this time, I also made a personal commitment to reduce my carbon footprint by switching to a vegetarian and then vegan diet for 21 years.
Whether in my personal or professional life, I firmly believe that our actions should reflect our values. That’s why, as the County Central Committee At-Large Delegate and Issues Committee Co-Chair, I sponsored and passed several bold climate initiatives such as the California Green New Deal, Protecting the Brentwood Urban Limit Line, a Call for a Presidential Debate on Climate Change, and most recently the Environmental and Climate Crisis Council Platform. As a 2020 State Senate candidate, I was also the only candidate who pledged to not accept fossil fuel, Big Oil, developer, or corporate money. And, as the DSRSD Director-Elect, I will continue to work hard to conserve our supply and quality of water for future generations.
Today, I am prepared to put my background in Molecular and Cell Biology, my passion for protecting our environment and natural resources, and my proven leadership working on several committees and spearheading various community-based programs and organizations to work for the San Francisco Bay Chapter to ensure that future generations have a healthy, habitable planet. Thank you and I hope to earn your vote by December 11th!
You can contact me at (925) 587-3477 and marisolforcal at gmail.com.
Arthur Feinstein
Residence: San Francisco
Occupation: Conservationist
Sierra Club Member since: 1981
- Chapter and San Francisco Group Executive Committee Member, 2006 to present
- ExCom chair 2010 to 2013
- Chapter Director: 2012 (Interim)
- SF Group PolCom Chair, 2008. SF Group ConsCom chair 2009 to 2012
- Sierra Club California Conservation Committee Chair, 2017 to present
- SCC Executive Committee member 2016 to present
- National Sierra Club’s Susan Miller Award (2014)
- Chapter Lifetime Achievement Award (2020)
- Clean Water Network’s 30-Year Heroes Award
Pandemic, Wildfires,Trump. The world has turned upside down. As never before, the Bay Area needs a strong Sierra Club because the answer is not despair but accepting the challenges, seeking solutions and implementing them. Our strengths are in electing good environmentalists to state and local office, opposing bad projects and supporting good ones, making nature accessible to all including the disadvantaged. To achieve all this requires an effective Executive Committee. The ExCom not only needs to provide volunteer activists essential support but also to manage our staff and ensure they know they are appreciated.
I will help the Chapter ExCom achieve this because I have the skills and experience for this essential work. I have been Chapter Chair and Director. I have been an effective advocate, working on wetlands issues locally and state and federal levels savng and restoring thousands of acres of wetlands around the Bay. I helped save two square miles of East Bay habitat at Gateway Valley in Orinda and helped establish the McLaughlin East Shore State Park.
Last year I was a member of the National Sierra Club’s Task Force on Climate Resilience. Our successful work was given an award and became National policy. This year I helped establish a 3-chapter Sea level rise committee to address the daunting future of over 3.5 feet of sea level rise. I look forward to continuing all these efforts.
Olga A. Bolotina
Residence: Oakland
Occupation: Special Advisor, City Council, Oakland
Sierra Club Member since: 2000
- Chair, SF Bay Chapter Executive Committee
- Voting Member of the Chapter Political, Finance, Staff Management Committees, and California State Political Committee
Dear Sierra Club members, my heart and best wishes go out to everyone who has suffered and are still enduring unprecedented losses due to COVID, consequences of climate change, human injustice, and other circumstances that this year brought upon us. Thank you for your continuous advocacy for our precious environment and for your support of the Sierra Club despite and because of it all!
Serving for nearly twelve years as a Chapter leader, and this year as the Chapter Chair, I have been humbled and impressed with our staff and volunteers who are dedicating their time tirelessly to the mission of the Club.
As the Chair, together with the Chapter team, my focus has been on making sure that our Chapter did not skip a beat working to preserve our open spaces and parks, advocating for clean energy, supporting affordable housing, mitigating sea level rise and standing up for justice, diversity, and inclusion.
It has been a trying year that led to reflection, lots of internal and community work, big decisions and continuous learning. We still have a lot of work ahead of us and as we are developing our five-year Strategic Plan we distributed surveys for our members, leaders, staff and environmental justice organizations in an effort to hear from you and include your voices.
I humbly ask you to give me the opportunity to continue putting my skills, experience, knowledge, and passion to work for the benefit of the Sierra Club and continue to create a truly inviting, inclusive and collaborative culture.
You can contact me at olga at sfbaysc.org.
Thank you for your vote.
Max Perrey
Residence: Mill Valley
Occupation: Consultant
Sierra Club Member since: 2009
Since 2009, when I was in high school, I have been an active Sierra Club volunteer. I currently live in Mill Valley, and professionally I am currently a consultant working a variety of political and community projects aligned with the Sierra Club’s values.
Over the last decade, it has become clear that our number one imperative must be to act quickly if we’re to mitigate the worst impacts of the climate crisis. We must eliminate our use of fossil fuels, go zero waste, restore wetlands and invest in the green jobs necessary for a just transition to take place.
I’m running to continue the work that I’ve done as a member of the SF Bay Chapter Executive Committee (2016 - 2019), and build on my current role as a member of the Chapter’s Strategic Planning Committee. Over the years, I’ve served on the Chapter’s Finance Committee, Fundraising Committee, Political Committee, David Brower Dinner Planning Committee, Federal Lands Committee and various ad hoc committees focused on specific issues. I’ve also represented the Club to coalitions and focused my time to help the Chapter tackle issues of importance including climate action, open space protection, racial and economic justice, and clean energy.
Thank you for your consideration, and please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions. My email is max.perrey at gmail.com and my cell number is 415-450-0774 if I can be of assistance.
Delta Group Candidates
There are two candidates. You may vote for up to two.
Paul Seger
Residence: Oakley
Occupation: Retired teacher
Sierra Club member since: 2017
- Delta Group chair 2017-present
- SF Bay Water Committee 2017-present
- 3-Chapter Sea-level rise Committee
- SF Bay ExCom, 2017-present
- SF Bay PolCom, 2017-2019
I’m proud to be working with the Sierra Club for the betterment of the environment in East Contra Costa.
My main goals are to expand local membership and influence of the Sierra Club in Eastern Contra Costa. We need to be the leaders to more aggressively assert sustainable solutions as we do our part regionally. I’m totally committed to advocating for East Contra Costa’s unique character and future.
We are leading the way in East County using the positive influences that Sierra Club leaders have on local communities around the Bay area but the Sierra Club does need many more effective environmental leaders (please join us) on the issues important to East County: Antioch, Bay Point, Bethel Island, Brentwood, Byron, Discovery Bay, Knightsen, Oakley, and Pittsburg (including unincorporated areas that are represented by the Board of Supervisors). I am confident that we will continue expanding our influences and services, furthering our mission to protect the environment and extend equanimity far into Eastern Contra Costa County's communities in the next several years. I am already gearing up for action and activities to increase the Delta region's understanding of SC issues through educational outreach and increased SC membership.
The Western-San Joaquin, South-Sacramento, South-East Solano, North-East Contra Costa need to work together to make sure that the next 100+ years of growth in our Delta Region is inclusive, responsible and transparent. This is a very sensitive area that has been divided. East County’s Delta group should seek to employ Environmental Legal Assistance to be certain that East County’s sprawl is held at bay, while only sustainable policy and projects can be allowed to move forward, if necessary. This is the direction I’d like to see us head. Cheers!
Nancy D’Cruz
Residence: Oakley
Occupation: Senior Member Technical Staff; Wireless Communications
Sierra Club member since: 2017
- PACE Oakley founder
- Delta Group Executive Committee
If I could spend every free minute of my life with horses, I would. East Contra Costa was once the Horse Capital of California… it had the highest number of equine per capita. Sprawl is intent on coveting the “vineyard culture” and eradicating equestrians. Truth is is that agriculture and equestrian and 4-h and future farmers should be the future for Eastern Contra Costa… There is more to economy and economic development than paving, or sequestering and burning fossil-fuels. Transportation and sprawl are the issues: more rapid-rail transport, less roads. East Contra Costa can grow but we need to consider every possibility. Do not build in areas which will be affects sea-level rise as it will put property and lives in jeopardy. I say, no to drilling for oil/gas, no to the delta tunnel.
East Contra Costa County is one of the country's fastest sprawling regions in the country and our local municipal governing bodies are practically giving it away with little care to health/well-being, safety or the environment/climate change. We have protected Ag/Equestrian areas that are regularly targeted by developers. Delta-Bay: We are on the front lines fighting for the health of one of the Western Hemisphere's most significant estuaries; sitting right on the Delta, the Bay's “doorstep”, to which we must coordinate smarter campaigns to fight for the ecology of the Delta. My family rescues water-fowl and promote wildlife in East County.
Marin Group Candidates
There are six candidates. You may vote for six or fewer.
Barbara Bogard
Residence: Mill Valley (unincorporated)
Occupation: teacher, computer analyst—retired
Sierra Club member since: 1995
- Sierra Club Marin Group Executive Committee 2017-present
- Conservation Committee Chair 2019-present
- Climate Solutions Committee Co-chair 2017-present
- Parks & Open Space Committee Co-chair 2016-2018
- Pesticide Free Zone Board of Directors 2015-present
- YardSmartMarin Steering Committee 2016-present
- The Real News Network Climate Crisis Bureau Advisory Board 2018-present
- Friends of Golden Gate Village Resident Council 2016-present
- MLKing Jr Coalition 2017-present.
I have been a full-time activist and organizer for 20 years. I have worked on multiple environmental issues during that time as well as managed political campaigns for local environmental leaders. Currently I am focused on climate change, racial/environmental justice, elimination of single-use plastic, regenerative agriculture, and pesticides.
I am committed to helping the Sierra Club take the lead on these and other issues as well as to increase the visibility of our group so that our contributions are better acknowledged and respected by our local community. I am also working on building alliances and working collaboratively with other groups who share our goals and values since our power and influence increase with our numbers.
I am especially concerned about the lack of diversity that so often characterizes our environmental movement. To try to address that, I spend much of my energy working with the Black community in Marin on issues that concern them, including sea level rise and flooding, access to healthy food, and especially the fight to stop privatization and gentrification of Golden Gate Village, the historic public housing project in Marin City.
As we face critical challenges to our environment, to our democracy, to our values, and to the very survival of human life on this planet, I am committed to doing everything I can to heal people and planet.
You can contact me at barbogard at gmail.com.
Susan Hopp
Residence: Mill Valley (unincorporated)
Occupation: Sustainability Educator and Consultant
Sierra Club member since: 2005
- Marin Chapter – Plastic-Free Marin Sub-Committee Member from FEB2018 inception
- Board Member, American Cetacean Society SF Bay Chapter since 2018
- Marin Water Coalition Co-Chair 2010-2011
- Sustainable Mill Valley member
My interest in increasing my involvement with our local Marin Group as an ExCom member aligns with and supports my mission - to have greater impact in support of my highest values to protect wildlife habitat and further environmental and social justice. Since making the career shift from technology companies, for the last ten years, I have worked in sustainability as an educator and helping organizations and communities realize the benefits of “triple bottom line” management to incorporate social and environmental impact along with the financial.
We have a lot of challenges facing us in this age of the Anthropocene and it requires the power of collective action. From my activism in Marin County, I’ve seen the power of active voices and mobilizing community members. This enabled us to defeat the Marin Municipal Water District’s plan for a desalination plant well on its way to approval in 2009. It enabled our chapter’s Plastic-free Marin sub-committee to create a juggernaut of support to eliminate single-use plastic at the county level and within individual Marin municipalities (an effort that while stymied by COVID is unstoppable).
There is much work to be done and I want to further amplify my voice with our dedicated Marin team.
You can contact me at 415-602-9830.
Pamela Ruby Meigs
Residence: Fairfax
Occupation: Registered Nurse, MS in Community Health
Sierra Club member since: 2000 and prior
- Ross Valley Sanitary District
- North Bay Watershed Association
- Fairfax Corona Virus Task Force
- Cascade Canyon Fairfax Firewise
- Fairfax Planning Commissioner, founded Fairfax Open Space Committee
- Fairfax General Plan Committee
- Fairfax Tree Ordinance, Measure D
- World traveler, adventure sports
My passion to serve and care for the Earth has been deep in my veins since childhood. All living beings thriving on our fragile Earth need now more than ever to be “cared for”. My energy, my knowledge and my teaching commits to healing/promoting a better world. Sadly, injustice is damaging our earth. It is an environmental and social crisis.
The Sierra Club is a strong foothold to prepare, care, and amend the ongoing damage to our fragile Earth. I am fearful that my grandchildren will not have this Earth thriving ecologically/socially. As Joanna Macy has stated about the Great Turning, "act now for the sake of life on Earth.”
Marin County has beautiful green hillsides, acres of open space with thousands of trees, an abundance of wildlife, and a vision to share this beauty with others in perpetuity. We have to protect all that has been acquired. In addition Marin County needs to create a more equitable community, and we have other injustices that need to be addressed. Now is the time to become more inclusionary to help support and heal our community.
I am concerned about losing our open space land, wildfire from climate change, sequestering carbon, excessive use of plastics, our endangered species, pesticides, sea level rise, protecting our conservation policies, volunteers and continuing education programs.
From my years of activism, I would be honored to continue to care and focus my experience, knowledge, and leadership for the Marin Chapter of the Sierra Club on the Executive Committee.
You can contact me at pamelameigs at sbcglobal.net.
Judy Rogers
Residence: San Rafael
Occupation: Retired Public School Teacher
Sierra Club Member since: 2019
Having served one year on the Sierra Club Marin Group Executive Committee, I am eager to continue in this position. I have learned about challenges our county faces and the influence of stakeholders’ perspectives. Our Sierra Club Executive Committee actively confronts those challenges with science, collaboration and commitment. The opportunity to support our group’s mission has been a privilege.
Sierra Club Executive Committee has broadened my understanding of the function and impact of local government. I have learned the importance of keeping elected officials informed about environmental protections and social equity. Attending various board meetings and participating in the candidate endorsement process have been meaningful ways for me to get involved. A highlight of my first year on the executive committee was to work on the campaign to defeat Measure D on the March 2020 ballot. Our efforts to protect 157 acres of open space and a portion of San Geronimo Creek’s salmon run succeeded, signaling a message of humility and reverence for our common open spaces.The most important lesson I learned from the campaign is that change does not happen overnight. Years of hard work by Marin County environmental activists led to ultimate defeat of the measure.
I am looking forward to another dynamic year on the Sierra Club Marin Group Executive Committee. Despite pandemic setbacks, our group continues to press for passage of a countywide reusable foodware ordinance. Housing and safety inequities in Marin City is another critical issue that Sierra Club Marin Group has been advocating for years. Our executive committee envisions implementation of a Green New Deal for those residents. The substantive scope of our agenda is rich with possibilities.
Silke Valentine
Residence: Novato
Occupation: Massage Therapist
Sierra Club member since: 2017
- Steering Committee, 350 Marin, 2014 - present
- Sierra Club Marin Group Climate Solutions/Plastic Free Marin since January 2020
- Climate Emergency Resolution Marin Group since January 2020
I have been a climate activist and organizer for 6 years. I work to bring awareness to and mobilize against the fossil fuel industry and the damage they cause to the climate, environment and people. I organized rallies and marches including “Stand with Standing Rock” in 2016, “Stop Banking on Climate Change” in 2019/2020 in Novato, San Rafael and San Anselmo, held in front of Chase, Bank of America, Citibank and Wells Fargo and done in coalition with Sierra Club, Sunrise Movement and Marin’s Sustainable groups. I also helped with 2020’s “Shoe strike for Climate Action “in Novato/Marin with Green Novato, as part of the global efforts for climate justice. I helped form a Climate Activist Group in Novato that is working on passing Climate Emergency Resolutions in both Novato and in other cities in Marin County. I am currently organizing to prevent the building of the Costco Mega Gas Station in Novato.
I am especially concerned about the sixth mass extinction, the Climate Crisis, and plastic pollution.
I respect and honor the Sierra Club as an effective and powerful organization which fosters respectful relations with nature, best human stewardship, and a sustainable / regenerative lifestyle as well as social, economic, racial, and environmental justice. I am committed to helping Sierra Club’s magnificent work of protecting nature and wildlife and implementing a healthy environment for all.
My work is dedicated to protecting future generations by helping to create an environment in which all beings can thrive in a just society with right relations and respect for our diversity and all life on earth. I look forward to your vote so I can join with the Marin ExCom in creating the change we need.
You can contact me at silkevalentine1 at gmail.com or 415-272-5287.
Mickey Allison
Residence: Sausalito
Occupation: Retired teacher
Sierra Club Member since: 1965, Life Member: 1995
- Sierra Club Marin Group Executive Committee, 2017 to present
- Chapter Federal Parks Committee, 2015 to present
- Sierra Club Inspiring Connections Outdoors (ICO), 1998 to present
- Marin County Parks and Open Space Roundtable 2018 to present
An Oakland native with a bachelor’s in biology, masters in zoology from UC Davis, I taught skills, regular and advanced placement biology in public schools and Bio 101 in community college. I have spent a lifetime outdoors - horseback riding, hiking, camping, backpacking, canoeing and summers in Canada on a small island with no electricity. In 2004 I moved into a floating home in Sausalito adding solar, shredded denim insulation and other upgrades to make my home greener and lowering my energy footprint to minimum charges.
During my two terms, I’ve supported ongoing projects of other Executive Committee members and been grateful for help on issues, mostly southern Marin, that I have led or shared lead on. Every issue has been a learning experience. Every new one offers possibilities of learning more. I still love teaching, but I really get kick out of researching science-based issues, finding data and obscure tidbits of evidence that will support Marin Group positions on various issues within Marin County. It’s fun.
I developed a deep attachment to Marin City through its library and later creating K-6 science experiments for the Boys and Girls Club program, volunteering as a 10,000 Degrees science aide at Bayside MLK Academy and attending ISOJI monthly meetings that discuss issues critical to the Black community in Marin City. These all led to my running for Marin Group in 2017. I look forward to continuing working with our current ExComm members and especially with our new members. I’m sure they will bring additional environmental concerns, ideas and perspective to the table.
You can contact me at mickall1at yahoo.com.
Mount Diablo Group Candidates:
There are two candidates. You may vote for up to two.
Mark Van Landuyt
Residence: Danville
Occupation: Producer/Writer at The Young Turks and 4Dore Productions Inc.
Sierra Club Member since: 2019
- Co-founder of the California Green New Deal Coalition
- Former vice-chair of the California Democratic Party Progressive Caucus
- Consultant for Progressive campaigns from California to New York
- Treasurer of the Sierra Club Delta Group.
- California Democratic Party Assembly Delegate for District 16. Vice Chair of Our Revolution Contra Costa County.
- Co-author of the Bay Area Green New Deal and the Contra Costa Green Economic Recovery Act.
Contra Costa County has the potential to be a leader of innovation for a sustainable Green economy. This historic moment demands all of our commitment to save the future of the planet. We are past the tipping point. We need to start acting like it.
You can contact me at hepjazz at yahoo.com.
Wietske Medema
Residence: Lafayette
Occupation: environmental scientist, consultant
Sierra Club Member since: 2019
- Co-founder of the California Green New Deal Coalition
- SF Bay Chapter Executive Committee Alternate
- Delta Group
- Co-author of Bay Area Green New Deal, Contra Costa County Green Economic Recovery Act
- Global Bay Areas Initiative leadership team
- Our Revolution Contra Costa Board of Directors
- Environmental policy outreach for the progressive caucus of the California Democratic party
We are in an emergency. We are in an economic crisis. We are in a climate crisis.
The pandemic has resulted in the loss of 2.4 million California jobs so far, the highest unemployment record in state history. This has economically affected local businesses and the most vulnerable communities in our region.
A transformational change is required in our current system that requires for the environmental and labor movements to work closely together. We must directly involve and consult underrepresented and oppressed communities.
It is important that we tap the power of collective action and continue to build a large, intentionally organized network that involves people who are passionate to tackle environmental challenges in our region.
I am an outspoken proponent of the Green New Deal, in particular for its focus on environmental, social, and economic justice.
I have animated a coalition to develop the Bay Area Green New Deal, as well as the Green Economic Recovery Act for the counties and cities in our region. Organizing town halls around Northern California in partnership with the Sierra Club, front-line communities, the Sunrise Movement, the California Democratic Party, 350.org, and other civic and labor groups.
I am collaborative, self-driven, creative, energetic. My experience is wide ranging. I have worked on environmental projects in the EU, Southeast Asia and North America. I have been responsible for fundraising, advocacy and outreach, managing projects, teams, creating partnerships, facilitating collaborative programs, as well as directing research, education, and administration.
Creating coalitions is my passion. I am excited to work with the Mt. Diablo Group to change our region for the better.
You can contact me at medemawietske at gmail.com.
Northern Alameda County Group Candidates:
There are five candidates. You may vote for up to four.
Aaron Priven
City of Residence: Albany
Occupation: Transit Communications
Sierra Club Member since: 1994
Bay Chapter:
- Executive Committee, 2000 and 2005
- Conservation Chair, 2001
- Conservation Vice-Chair, 2005
- Publications Chair, 2005
- Transportation Chair, 1998-2000
NAC Group:
- Executive Committee, 2000-2001, 2004-2005, 2019-2020
- Conservation Chair, 2004-2005 and 2020
- Conservation Vice-Chair, 2019
- Secretary, 2020
Like many people, I came to the Club through visits to national parks. I fell in love with Yosemite. I remember reading John Muir's books, thrilled by stories of storms and moon-rainbows, and mourning Hetch Hetchy. I wanted to be part of the organization that fought to protect places like Yosemite.
We’ve learned much since Muir’s day. Then, in Yosemite and other protected wildlands, the natural processes of fire and flood were suppressed. People thought it protected those places, but actually it interfered with the ecosystems that made them special. Today’s environmentalism has shifted from setting aside a few special places toward a broader perspective on the natural world.
The Group’s role is to work locally to protect the natural environment, and I believe, to carry that broader perspective also to our cities.
I think the same impulse that causes people to fall in love with Yosemite and other special wild places also causes people to fall in love with special urban places. Unfortunately, the same mistake happens with cities. In trying to protect our cities from destructive forces, people end up freezing the normal progress and regeneration of our urban areas, making it impossible to promote the kind of low-impact, sustainable urban living that is the only way of reducing human impact on the natural environment and mitigating climate change.
I believe the Club can be a voice for promoting not preservation of our cities as they are but their improvement, to make better places for people and the planet. Please help by voting for me and for Liat Zavodivker. Thank you.
Igor A. Tregub
Residence: Berkeley
Occupation: Safety Engineer, Berkeley Commissioner
Sierra Club Member since: 2008
- NAC Group Chair
- SFBay Chapter Chair Emeritus
- California Executive Committee
- Chapter Transportation Committee
- Environmental Justice Team
- California Energy Committee
- National Building Electrification Campaign Design Team
- Chair Emeritus, Berkeley Housing Commission & Zoning Board
- Chair, Berkeley Peace & Justice Commission
- Berkeley Rent Board Commissioner
- AC Transit Parcel Tax Oversight Committee
- Executive Board/Resolutions Co-Chair, California Democratic Party
- Indivisible Berkeley Science/Environment Team
- Clean Energy Leadership Institute 2020 Alumnus
Preserving the environment and ensuring that policy decisions are made with an equity lens and meaningful input from impacted communities have always been at the forefront of my work as a legislator and climate activist.
As an elected Berkeley commissioner, I crafted the nation’s strongest affordable housing policies and financing tools; helped pass the nation’s first gas ban in new buildings; and enhanced access to energy upgrades and solar financing. I expanded a blue-green alliance on issues like protecting our air, water, and open space, Green New Deal, and saying “NO!” to coal traveling through our communities.
As your Group and former Chapter Chair, I used my experiences as an immigrant to recruit, retain, and expand the Chapter’s membership and leadership base. Amid trying times nationally, we welcomed an unprecedented growth in new members and enhanced the financial sustainability of our chapter. I’ve worked tirelessly to ensure that the Group is here for you so we can weather the storm of the pandemic and organize, advocate, and and win together – whether your passion is conservation issues, climate campaigns, or environmental justice.
I humbly ask for your vote, so I keep serving you as we RESIST, PERSIST, and PROTECT our planet. Together we will remain a potent and effective voice for the environment and strengthen partnerships within and outside of the Club. Please contact me at igor.tregub at sierraclub.org with your questions and ideas. Thanks for your consideration!
Liat Zavodivker
Residence: Oakland
Occupation: Energy Efficiency Researcher
Sierra Club Member since: 2016
- Board Member and Secretary, East Bay for Everyone (2017-Current)
- Board Member, Transport Oakland
- Northern Alameda County Group Conservation Committee (2019-2020)
I joined the Sierra Club because I believed that the environment needed a strong advocate during the turbulent years of the current administration. As a resident of the Bay Area since 2001, I have enjoyed the splendor that our open spaces have to offer through hiking. Our climate is rapidly changing due to global warming and it is not clear how deeply this will affect our use of these spaces or our daily lives.
I am running for the Sierra Club Executive Committee to support mitigating climate change, to protect our open spaces, and to improve engagement. My platform is as follows:
Engage the community
Encourage programs that send school children at all economic levels to the parks so that they build a lifelong relationship with the parks district.
Rope in more community groups so that the Sierra Club has a range of diverse opinions.
Increase membership enrollment as much as possible, bringing in people at an early age so they can build their commitment over a lifetime.
Embrace Science
Identify scientifically backed policies for mitigating climate change and support them.
Support dense development especially near transit, complete streets, and robust affordable transit in order to permanently disengage ourselves from the fossil fuel industry.
Address Sierra Club’s record on Social Justice
Perform equity analysis when deciding on different issues.
Identify gaps in where members voices are not heard, and make it easier for them to participate in decisions.
I have a strong community organizing and research background and I am ready to put these ideas to work.
Jonathan Bair
City of residence: Oakland
Occupation: Health care communications
Sierra Club Member since: 2014
- Group Executive Committee
- Group Conservation Committee
- Group Nominations Committee
- SF Bay Political Committee
- SF Bay Transportation and Compact Growth Committee
It is a privilege to ask for your support to lead our area’s Sierra Club group in a third term. In my last two-year term, I helped strengthen our approach and advocacy on waterfront development issues in Oakland and Alameda, worked to find common ground on housing, and advocated for green transportation. I volunteered to join two regional committees and worked hard to ensure the Sierra Club’s priorities and policies speak strongly in Northern Alameda County.
Before joining the leadership of the Sierra Club, I was President of the Board of Walk Oakland Bike Oakland and Chair of the City of Oakland Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee. I've long been active in the fight to create and grow the progressive majority on the BART Board. In 2012, I led a grassroots effort to improve public transportation in East Oakland in partnership with the Sierra Club.
I'm the only lifelong Oaklander on the Northern Alameda County Group Executive Committee which is helpful when providing context around some of the issues we grapple with. I believe that I am the only openly gay person running for the Group Executive Committee this year, which is a valuable perspective to bring to some discussions. I ask for your vote to continue working hard to improve the environment in the East Bay.
Rochelle Nason
City of Residence: Albany
Occupation: Albany City Council: Member, 2013 – present; Mayor, 2019. Executive Director of the League to Save Lake Tahoe (”Keep Tahoe Blue”)(1992 – 2011).
Sierra Club member since: 1987
- Sierra Club East Bay Public Lands Committee Member, 2016 - present
- East Bay Regional Parks District – Parks Advisory Committee
- Citizens for East Shore Parks – Advisory Board of Elected Officials
My work at Lake Tahoe included leadership in the successful efforts to (1) establish urban boundaries for all of the communities in the Lake Tahoe Basin, (2) ban two-stroke jet skis, and (2) leverage coordinated environmental investments by each level of government and the private sector to complement regulatory protection for the lake and its watershed.
After leaving Tahoe to become a family caregiver, I began working to improve the neglected Albany shoreline, which led me to run for political office. In semi-retirement I have also managed a synagogue, a program assisting refugees and asylees from Iraq and Afghanistan, and a program delivering meals to Holocaust survivors. I volunteer at a nonprofit nursing home.
Earlier in my career I was a lawyer and represented the California State Park Rangers Association pro bono in its successful effort to save Bodie State Park.
I am passionate about assuring public recreational access to parks and open space, in conjunction with urban population density increases in response to climate change. Other environmental priorities for me include fighting reliance on fossil fuels, reducing waste and the use of disposable plastics, and promoting water conservation over projects damaging to our watersheds.
I would like to see the Sierra Club bring together people of diverse backgrounds and perspectives in support of an environment that will support health, prosperity, and joyful experiences of nature for generations to come.
Southern Alameda County Group Candidates:
There are eight candidates. You may vote for up to three.
Annie Koruga
Sierra Club Member since: 2020
As a young person I’m extremely passionate about environmental justice. Young people today, as well as future generations, will bear the brunt of the climate crisis which is caused by climate policy that puts the profit of capitalists over the lives of human beings. People of color and other marginalized people are and will continue to bear the worst effects of the climate crisis unless major and swift intervention is taken. It’s not an exaggeration to say that our literal future depends upon sweeping climate protections, de-carbonization, and an end to the commodification of nearly all aspects of life. To that end, I am an eco-socialist. I know that capitalism and environmental justice are mutually exclusive. Capitalism- from oil companies to PG&E to Amazon, places profits above all else; above worker’s rights, above indigenous sovereignty, and above your and my continued ability to exist on an inhabitable planet. Capitalism and its inherent endless drive for profit puts our planet at risk, and we must both organize and mobilize to stop it. I am an organizer and have organized against PG&E. I want our local group to take bold action that challenges the inherent nature of capitalism to profit at the expense of our planet.
We must fight for climate justice locally in specific ways as well. In Southern Alameda County, the exponential growth of absurdly expensive housing development not only negatively directly affects the environment, but also is so expensive that it displaces long term residents and local lower income workers. This causes people of lower incomes to commute, often for hours each day which also pollutes the environment.
We must fight against capitalism, and fight for each other so we can all inhabit our planet for generations to come.
Jannet Benz
Residence: Fremont
Sierra Club Member since: 2014
Member, Southern Alameda County Group Executive Committee 2016-present
Member, Transportation and Compact Growth Committee 2016- present
Member, East Bay Public Lands Committee 2016- present
Alternate, San Francisco Bay Chapter Executive Committee 2020
Participated in Candidate Endorsement Interview process for various offices 2014, 2018, 2020
Climate change is likely one of the biggest challenge of our lifetimes and one that impacts some communities more than others. The Bay Area is in the midst of some of the most expansive development in decades. That translates into many issues that need to be addressed from transportation planning, housing development and natural resource management and protection. These are issues that need input, guidance and follow-up from a strong environmental organization like the Sierra Club. I am running for this position to continue to be involved in decisions that impact all of these issues. If elected, I will continue to work to achieve the Sierra Club’s environmental goals and mission.
As a local Southern Alameda County leader I can increase the focus on projects/issues of concern in our area. Some of the projects I have been involved with include protecting our riparian corridors, the integrity of our hills and open spaces, the further development within Niles Canyon and the Dumbarton Corridor.
Additionally, I believe it is vital to teach our youth to appreciate and respect nature to “grow” the next generation of environmentally-conscious adults. Much of my prior environmental work has been done with children in school and Girl Scout settings. I developed, organized, and managed the annual Earth Week program at a K-8 school. The program required collaboration with many organizations, Save the Bay, Alameda Creek Alliance, local organic farmers, and others to set up learning experiences for students in all grades, as well as classroom activities throughout the week.
As a member of the Executive Committee, I will continue to devote my time and skills in our local community and pursue the goals I share with the Sierra Club.
In the current political climate, organizations like the Sierra Club are more important than ever and it is critical that we all work together to ensure the long term “health” of all our communities and our natural environment.
I would sincerely appreciate your vote. Thank you.
Martha Kreeger
Residence: Fremont
Occupation: Field Coordinator and Community Organizer
Sierra Club Member since: 2019
- Environmental Caucus CA Dem Party,
- OFA-EBC Climate Action Leadership: East Bay Clean Power Group (EBCE), OFA-EBC Public Transit, March for Science, Earth Day!
- OFA-EBC Healthcare Leadership
- Commissioner, Alameda County Commission on the Status of Women
I have worked as an Issues Organizer since 2007; training and leading grassroots activists advocating for transformational change in educational policies, climate solutions, equity issues and access to universal healthcare. Our most effective grassroots actions focus on the intersection between environmental justice and healthcare outcomes.
Since 2018 in California we lived this intersectional reality. We have experienced weeks breathing air so toxic it had the equivalent impact on our lungs of smoking packs of cigarettes daily. Like many, I have advocated for legislation and candidates that support sustainable energy solutions like EBCE, clean power public transit, land use that takes into account rising sea levels, solutions to food deserts, equitable access to green space, and clean drinking water for schools without regard to zip codes. Yet particulates in the air impact East Bay health outcomes, particularly in under resourced communities wiping out gains made through legislative policy changes.
We need transformational change now. We have advocated for sustainable responsible land use, clean power solutions, and equitable access to clean water, healthy food, shelter, and green space for all communities. These are issues I have focused on as an organizer and will continue with the Southern Alameda County Group ExComm. We win, when we enact strategic climate policy that confronts racial, economic, and environmental injustices, and makes deep cuts in climate pollution, while supporting clean sustainable energy solutions. We can do this, together.
Kelly Abreu
Residence: Fremont
Sierra Club Member since: 2017
I grew up in the East Bay, and lived in Fremont for 25 years. As a retired engineer, I understand the need to preserve open space, protect water quality and regulate development through environmental laws. Balancing environmental protection and social equity is key to improving quality of life in the Bay Area. All our communities need access to nature, through trails and well-managed parklands.
I’ve worked to enact local ordinances to oversee rural development, and enhance bike/ped safety by expanding multi-use trails through Niles Canyon and elsewhere. I’ve fought against red tape and legal obstacles which hinder creation of new regional parks, such as Vargas Plateau in Fremont. I worked with neighborhood residents and the city to address the dangerous road through Morrison Canyon, by rededicating it as a scenic green pathway for bicyclists and pedestrians. I ask for your support, to balance the environmental and social efforts of the Sierra Club’s local group in addressing social needs and climate change alongside government agencies and other NGOs.
Crystal Araujo
Residence: Hayward, CA
Occupation: Fundraiser
Sierra Club Member Since: 2020
- Chair of Legislation Committee at the California Democratic Party
- Former Vice Chair, Community Service Commission, City of Hayward, CA
I have dedicated my career to public service and public policy, because I believe policy is one of the best vehicles for justice and equity. I am passionate and have fought for many different issues including environmental, climate change, and preservation. In the last 4 years, I have had the privilege to advise and manage over a dozen successful Democratic city and county campaigns for progressive candidates who have diversified their perspective councils and boards. I have fundraised over a million dollars for democratic races throughout the Bay Area. I have served in leadership roles including President of the South Alameda County Young Dems and as co-founded of several Young Democratic Chapters in California. As Chair of the CYD Policy and Legislative Committee, I recently organized a forum for the importance of Proposition 18 and spoke the importance of the young vote and the environment. I also currently serve the Co-Chair of the Legislative Committee of the California Democratic Party.
I would like to connect with you regarding my candidacy and the Sierra Club, please feel free to give me a call or text on my cell at araujo.crystal at gmail.com. To learn more about my background and resume please visit: www.linkedin.com/in/araujocrystal/
I respectfully ask for your vote.
Patrisha (Pat) Piras
Residence: San Lorenzo
Occupation: Transit/Civil Rights Consultant, semi-retired
Sierra Club Member since: Life Member since 1991
- Chapter Conservation Committee Vice-Chair
- CNRCC Delegate
- Transportation/Compact Growth Committee
- Coordinator, 3-Chapter Transportation Working Group
- EJ Subcommittee, Co-Chair
- Chapter & State PolComs
- Chapter Outreach Committee
The Sierra Club is one of the best agents for constructive activism to protect our world and the needs of future generations. I want to protect our open spaces, wildlife, and natural resources. Our human environment also has critical issues that must be addressed – clean air and water, equitable access to public services, pedestrian-friendly communities, and action to confront climate change.
The Sierra Club is going through a significant evolution, and we need to choose how we carry out our mission. My primary focus areas are transportation, housing, land use, and Environmental Justice. A wise person has said that “the biggest threat to species and habitat is unhoused, underfed, and unhappy human beings.“ Together, we can move forward to preserve and improve all aspects of our environment.
In more than a decade as your AC Transit Board Member, I learned the importance of working collegially to find outcomes that “win” more than they give away. I learned the importance of integrity, transparency, and accountability. I learned to ensure that everyone be provided an honest opportunity to participate. I can use those skills to improve the SAC Group.
At the Sierra Club, I have served on our Chapter and Group ExComs. Recently, I have worked on political action for Sierra Club California. Now, I want to focus on local matters. For that I need your help, and your vote.
How would you like to receive regular minutes of what the local Group is doing in your name? I want to give you that information.
To improve the Sierra Club’s presence and effectiveness in Southern Alameda County, I respectfully request your vote.
Laurie J Price
Residence: Hayward
Occupation: Anthropology professor (retired)
Sierra Club member since: 2001
- Southern Alameda County Group (Ex Com member since 2019)
- Candidate Endorsement Interview Committee
- Citizens Against Pollution; Society for Applied Anthropology
- Center for Biological Diversity, Pacifica Garden.
My central motivation for Sierra Club involvement is a deep commitment to Earth’s Rights (see https://therightsofnature.org/universal-declaration/). My primary focus is species preservation, possible only by protecting habitat and reducing pollution. In my view, it is vitally important to protect the environment in a way that also furthers human rights and social justice. My second focus is climate change. I started as a clean energy activist by developing street theater to oppose nuclear power in North Carolina in the 1980s. In California, I worked with Citizens Against Pollution (CAP) to defeat Eastshore Gas Power Plant and to oppose Russell City Energy Center.
As part of SACG Ex Com, I have helped draft comment letters and/or provided public testimony on proposals, such as Newark’s proposal to fill in portions of Bay marshland to build 350 housing units, the Castro Valley Ruby Street development of riparian habitat along the San Lorenzo Creek, and Hayward’s 2020 Shoreline Climate Change Adaptation Master Plan. I also have helped assess election candidates for Sierra Club endorsement, and have served as treasurer.
For thirty years, I taught university courses on environmental anthropology, public health, climate change, research methods, community development. I worked with many students on environmental and social justice research. I retired in 2018 and now I hope to apply those skills toward Sierra Club programs and advocacy. Other experiences relevant to SACG Ex Com include four years on the Child Family Health International board, and consultant work with Pacifica Garden.
In Alameda County, humans and other species face serious environmental and health challenges due to inappropriate development, persisting oil/gas/coal technologies, fossil fuel-driven climate change and its sea level rise and wildfire risks, road /electronic expansion, and housing shortages. If elected, I will continue to advocate on behalf of Earth’s Rights, especially for habitat and species preservation.
Marlina Rose Selva
Residence: Hayward
Occupation: Mental Health Professional
Sierra Club member since: 2018
- Southern Alameda County Group Member
- Ohlone Audubon Society Board of Directors Member
- Friends of San Lorenzo Creek Member
- Friends of Sausal Creek Member
- Save the Redwoods League Member
- National Museum of the American Indian Member
- American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy
- California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists
The world today looks a lot different from just fifty years ago. Changes are occurring at unprecedented levels. It will take the effort of everyone collectively to create a sustainable environment for future generations. The melting of polar ice caps has accelerated, temperatures continue to rise, and demands for more resources increase with population growth. All living things are interconnected like the web of a spider. With Sierra Club, I work to help everyone gain access to nature, shelter, and health.
I hold a bachelor’s and doctoral degrees in psychology, and am a UCLA alumni. I work in private practice with adolescents and families, specializing in foster care and adoption. My profession allows me to merge nature and mental health. It also provides me the experiences of working with youth to understand their concerns about the environment.
I am passionate about wildlife conservation, including habitat protection and restoration. I advocate strongly with the local community for creek protections. Protecting the Earth’s natural resources, starting with restoring our water to safer and cleaner levels, is a fundamental part of my focus. As an ethnic minority, I advocate for environmental justice and Indigenous rights. While moving away from fossil fuels and toward cleaner forms of energy, it is necessary to protect our local ecosystems and reintroduce Native plant species. It is about bringing Indigenous knowledge from the past into the present in order to build a sustainable future. I hope to earn your vote to achieve this goal together, thank you.
San Francisco Group Candidates:
There are four candidates. You may vote for up to four.
Becky Evans
Residence: San Francisco
Occupation: Paralegal retired
Sierra Club Member since: 1969
- Chapter Chair 2014-2017
- Sierra Club Council Delegate 2015-2020
- Chapter Executive Committee since 2011
- SFG Group Executive Committee
- Member - Chapter Finance, Staff Management and Political Committees
- Colby Library volunteer
- Ed Bennett Lifetime Achievement Award, Jack Morrison Lifetime Achievement Award
- Served on the initial San Francisco Environment Commission. Always lived car-free.
I ask for your vote to re-elect me to the San Francisco Group Executive Committee. I have worked on issues at all levels of the Sierra Club - local, state and national but environmental work in San Francisco means you can be closer to the action - neighborhood meetings, City Hall hearings, political endorsement interviews - lots of meetings. And all accessible by public transit - pre-COVID, of course.
As an activist, in and outside the Sierra Club, I have worked on public lands, water and waterfront issues. One of the many GGNRA "founders", I continue to focus on Presidio issues including fighting inappropriate development in the national park.
Our local environment faces many challenges - unhealthy air, lack of parks in high need neighborhoods, loss of dark skies, sea level rise, affordable housing, livable, walkable neighborhoods and better MUNI service.
Thank you in advance for your vote. Please join the San Francisco Group in its efforts for a greener, cleaner San Francisco.
You can contact me at rebecae at earthlink.net (please put "Chapter Elections" in the subject line).
Katherine Howard
Residence: San Francisco
Occupation: Landscape Architect (retired)
Sierra Club Member since: 2012
Sierra Club:
- SF Group Executive and Conservation Committees
- State-wide California Conservation Committee, Northern Secretary
Environmental columnist for the Castro Courier and Westside Observer; topics include dams and water issues, ocean plastic debris, forest protection, solar arrays, conservation in fashion, bats, bird migration, soil health, coyotes, park protection, dark skies, pesticide use, sea level rise, and even the lowly eel grass at Treasure Island.
Co-founder of grassroots open-space advocacy groups:
SF Ocean Edge, Healthy Soccer SF, Golden Gate Park Preservation Alliance, Friends of the Music Concourse. We fought to protect the western end of Golden Gate Park and soccer players from artificial turf, loss of habitat, and 150,000 watts of stadium lighting. We preserved the 100-year-old trees in the Music Concourse in Golden Gate Park and obtained landmark status for them. We kept a 40,000 square foot water treatment factory out of Golden Gate Park.
Past member of Citizens' Advisory Committees for:
Recreation and Open Space Element (ROSE)
Golden Gate Park - Outside Lands Concerts landscape protection plan
Coalition for San Francisco Neighborhoods (CSFN) Open Space Committee
Golden Gate Park Music Concourse Authority
Ocean Beach Vision Plan / Local Coastal Program.
Recent Projects: Support of California Environmental quality Act (CEQA) and opposition of the proposed SER Ordinance, which will gut CEQA protections in San Francisco.
Climate change must be dealt with vigorously if we are to save life on our planet. Effective political change starts at the grassroots level, through outreach, education, recruiting, and on-going activism. Political change also requires getting the attention of government officials and holding them accountable for their actions. I will continue to use my background in neighborhood activism, my experience with City policies and agencies, and my training as a landscape architect to help the Sierra Club in protecting our environment.
Linda Weiner
Residence: San Francisco
Occupation: Retired: Director of Air Quality Advocacy
Sierra Club Member since: 1999
- SF Group- Executive Committee
- Conservation Committee
- Diversity Committee
- Representative/Alternate, SF Bay Chapter Executive Committee
- Vice Chair, Political Committee: Issues Committees- currently, Housing Policy.
From my previous employment at the American Lung Association in California as Director of Air Quality Advocacy, I bring experience working in air quality regulations, global warming legislation, and communications. I also worked as a producer at KQED TV in news and cultural programming, and for many years worked in community public health and health communications at Stanford University.
Applying my previous experience to my work at the Sierra Club, I have participated in or organized the following SC actions:
Air Quality: Testified at regional EPA hearings to reduce carbon pollution in support of Federal Clean Fuel Standards and Clean Power Plan, specifically in low-income and BIPOC communities- wrote a related Op-Ed on the issue for the SF Chronicle. Lobbied SF Board of Supervisors concerning the local SF Clean Power Plan and spoke at a City Hall rally. Organized and testified in support of Free Muni for Youth project.
Climate Change: Organized a Sierra Club contingent to participate in actions of Coalition to Divest Fossil Fuels from the SF Retirement System. Organized Sierra Club members throughout the Bay Area to walk as a group in the SF Rise Up Climate March. Testified at the regional Air Quality District to strengthen the proposed Climate Plan.
Political Work: Actively participated in every SF Group endorsement process as well as two full Lobby Days in Sacramento. Traveled to Nevada with Sierra Club CA in Get-Out-The-Vote door-knocking campaigns for the last 2 national elections.
I believe the emphasis going forward for the Sierra Club should be focused on climate change, particularly connections between environmental justice, equity and pollution. I plan to work with other Bay Area Groups in moving this issue forward.
Kim-Shree Maufas
Residence: San Francisco, California
Occupation: Adjunct Community College Professor
Sierra Club Member since: 2018
- Member, Sierra Club San Francisco Group
- ESOL Adjunct at College of Alameda
- Delegate to the California Democratic Party
- Ed.D. in International & Multicultural Education/TESOL
- Former USF Researcher at California Endowment on “Challenging Punishment & Control: A Qualitative Study of School Discipline Reform Efforts in California”
- Longstanding Member of NAACP, BWOPA, Harvey Milk LGBT/Alice B. Toklas LGBT/Latino Democratic Clubs
- Volunteer teacher at the West Oakland Senior Ctr & Certified USA Track Coach.
I believe in living a purposeful life, regardless of the struggle. Part of my purpose has been to advocate for under-represented communities living in the SF Bay Area who’ve been pushed out of their homes and neighborhoods due to gentrification. I advocate for communities in neighborhoods that are blighted, contaminated, and riddled with toxins but are ignored by politicians. I’ve said it before and will say it here again - mobilizing and advocating are MUST DO SKILLS that we all can acquire to protect our communities, waters, and planet!
I’m a member of the San Francisco Eastern Neighborhoods Citizens Advisory Committee (ENCAC), representing District 9 (mainly the Mission, Bernal Heights, SOMA, Yerba Buena, and Portola) to bring environmental issues to the Eastern Neighborhoods. I’ve served on the SFUSD Board of Education (2007-2015) and am an Adjunct Professor at our local Community Colleges.
As I continue to advocate/educate, I also learn from young people. My granddaughter, Marley, is one of those young people teaching me. Our lessons range from focusing on our beaches from sand to sea and how precious clean water is to all creatures – to humans wearing pandemic & wildfire facemasks – to being the best recyclers and composters in our family and neighborhood. I would be honored to continue serving on the Executive Committee and am asking for your support to continue doing so.
Tri-Valley Group Candidates:
There are six candidates. You may vote for four or fewer.
Steven Dunbar
Residence: Livermore
Occupation: Transit Systems Engineer
Sierra Club member since: 2019
- Board Secretary & Advocacy Committee Vice Chair, Bike East Bay
- Member, TriValley Citizen’s Climate Education
- Member, TriValley Transit Coalition
- Member, Livermore Community Asset Management Plan Outreach Committee
Equitable sustainability is the heart of what I do. Along with my fellow advocates, I have fought for lower emissions, less sprawl, stronger communities, and safer streets.
Some of our biggest environmental threats are currently driven by transportation emissions and the sprawl that locks those emissions in for years to come. With Bike East Bay, I’ve championed pedestrian, bicycle, and public transit improvements to make them the first choice for more trips. This has included multi-year campaigns for long term plans, support for staff who need public backing, and detailed conversations about best practice to bring safety and comfort to all modes of travel.
I am also an active advocate for transit-oriented affordable housing, while fighting for renter protections, especially where new infrastructure could impact rents (for example, along a new cross-city trail through low-income renter neighborhoods in Hayward).
Finally, I’m an electrical engineer in transit bus manufacturing, so I’m intimately familiar with the technology that can help us be sustainable. I’ve pushed to build a reliable renewable grid and advocated for electric garbage trucks (and buses, of course). More importantly, I am also involved in ensuring that this new technology is community-centered and applied equitably.
I hope to bring these skills to the Sierra Club to further equitable sustainability from the individual up to the highest offices. I would be honored to have your vote.
Michael McCorriston
Residence: Dublin, CA
Occupation: Corporate/Non-Profit Treasurer
Sierra Club Member since: 2020
- City of Dublin Human Services Commission member
- Tri-Valley Anti-Poverty Collaborative – Affordable Housing Commission
- Tri-Valley Haven – Volunteer Delivery/Pickup truck driver for food pantry
My family and I have been proud to call the TriValley our home for the last 26 years and we have witnessed and taken part in the evolution of our diverse community. As a long-term resident of the TriValley, maintaining a high quality of life for our community is important to me. Dramatic growth has led to the reduction of our open space and, as a byproduct, we are now confronted with congested roads and freeways, air pollution, and overconsumption of our natural resources.
I offer to bring true habitat conservation leadership to the TriValley Group Executive Committee. I believe we need to focus our efforts towards protecting our natural resources, parklands, wetlands, and wildlife habitats through an environmental and social justice lens.
I promise to work with our civic leaders to collaborate on community programs designed to conserve water, advance power efficiency and electrification, and encourage smart, energy efficient development. I will support efforts to preserve our urban limit lines and focus on in-fill and transit-oriented development to improve affordability and promote active transportation. I will support collaborative efforts with area water districts to establish meaningful conservation and storage strategies, while protecting environmental habitat.
The TriValley is in a critical stage of development, and our community's natural resources should be managed prudently with an understanding of their future applications. I would be honored to have your vote to serve as your executive committee member.
Joe Grcar
Residence: Castro Valley
Occupation: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, scientific staff, retired
Sierra Club Member since: 2018
- Group executive committee
- Chapter political committee
- Chapter energy and climate committee
Tri-Valley Group oversees one of the largest areas of undeveloped habitat in the Bay Area. Yet, the Group belongs to a Sierra Club Chapter dominated by members from San Francisco and Oakland. Every square foot of those cities has been dug-up, cut-down, built-up, or paved-over. There is nothing natural left to conserve in San Francisco and Oakland, so the members and Club officers from those cities see conservation as a bunch of politically correct causes, which are deemed so important that the causes can justify damaging the environment. This misconception has led the Sierra Club Chapter to sometimes overrule conservation efforts in the Tri-Valley. If this trend continues, then the Chapter will eviscerate the ability of the Tri-Valley Group to work with other conservation organizations. Over the past year the Group has supported a half-dozen important but little known causes with large impacts on the Tri-Valley. I am running to continue as an officer of the Tri-Valley Group to support the independence of Tri-Valley conservation efforts.
Marisol Rubio
Residence: San Ramon
Occupation: Health Care Provider
Sierra Club member since: 2019
- Dublin San Ramon Services District
- Division 1 Director-Elect
- Former State Senate District 7 Candidate
- County Central Committee Issues Committee Co-Chair and At-Large Delegate
- Contra Costa Labor Council Delegate
- SEIU Democracy Captain
- Human Rights and Environmental Advocate
Protecting our environment has been a personal passion since my early years in college when I became involved in several forest restoration projects and learned firsthand how human behavior directly impacts our environment. During this time, I also made a personal commitment to reduce my carbon footprint by switching to a vegetarian and then vegan diet for 21 years.
I upheld these values in my later leadership roles on several committees by sponsoring and passing many bold climate initiatives such as the California Green New Deal, Protecting the Brentwood Urban Limit Line, a Call for a Presidential Debate on Climate Change, and most recently the Environmental and Climate Crisis Council Platform. When I ran for State Senate, I was the only candidate who did not accept fossil fuel, Big Oil, developer, or corporate money. Now, as the DSRSD Director-Elect, I will work hard to establish local solutions to meet our water demands and conserve our supply and quality of water for future generations. As your prospective group representative, I will use my platform to work with local leaders to protect our open spaces, fully transition to clean energy, create green jobs, and encourage Smart Growth.
I am prepared to put my background in Molecular and Cell Biology, my passion for protecting our environment and natural resources, and my proven leadership to work for the Tri-Valley Group to ensure that future generations have a healthy, habitable planet. Thank you and I hope to earn your vote by December 11th!
Matt Morrison
Residence: Pleasanton
Occupation: Attorney
Sierra Club Member since: 2002
- Former Chapter Compliance Officer
- Former Chapter Finance Committee Chair
- Former Chapter Treasurer
- Former CNRCC Water Committee Vice Chair for Delta Issues
- Former S.F. Bay Chapter Executive Committee Member at Large
- Former Tri-Valley Executive Committee Chair
- Former Tri-Valley Executive Committee Member
- Former Chapter Water Committee Chair
- Former Chapter Nominations Committee Chair
- Former Sierra Club Representative to the Altamont Landfill Community Monitoring Committee
I am well-prepared to work with the Tri-Valley Group Executive Committee members to follow the Sierra Club’s mission. In addition to my nearly 2 decades worth of volunteer work with the Sierra Club, I have enjoyed both the urban and open spaces of Alameda County my entire life.
Preserving the natural and agricultural spaces of Eastern Alameda County are very important to me. My political concerns are primarily over sustainable policies, in particular water conservation and preserving open space by concentrating residential development with infill of existing cities. I understand there must be reasonable limits to the size of sustainable communities, however, as the father of 3 grown children in various stages of forming families here, I also recognize the struggle for bay area families to find affordable housing. As a member of the Tri-Valley executive committee, I hope to influence policy and decision-making at the local level.
I am a life-long resident of the Bay Area, born in San Francisco and raised in Oakland and Pleasanton. At present my family and I live in Pleasanton (eastern Alameda County). I earned a bachelor’s degree in organizational management from Saint Mary’s College of California in 2000 and a Doctor of Jurisprudence from San Francisco Law School in 2013. I have been continuously practicing law since 2014, focusing on family law as a solo, civil law practitioner.
Asa Strout
Residence: Livermore
Occupation: Business Analyst, Non-Profit Executive
Sierra Club Member since: 2019
- Founder and CEO of Unify Livermore
- Candidate, Livermore Valley Joint Unified School District
I am running for Executive Committee of the Tri-Valley Sierra Club group because I want to make an impact in local environmental decisions that will have long lasting implications on myself, my family, and the rest of the community for generations to come. Having been born and raised in Livermore, I spent much of my life outdoors with Boy Scouts and on Livermore ranches. I love nature, and it breaks my heart to see what is happening to it. The current discourse around the environment is not speaking the same language as future environmental leaders are speaking today. We see policies that promote denser housing being dismissed by those who already have shelter and policies like the Green New Deal labeled as the “green new dream”. If we fail to speak the same language as Millennials and Gen Z then we are putting ourselves at risk at becoming irrelevant to the younger generations today and meaningless as they get older. To better speak to them we need to better advocate for policies that are aligned with the national Sierra Club, like denser-infill housing, solar projects through the region (not just on residential rooftops). As a region, the Tri-Valley can be the example of what a true environmentally friendly region looks like, we only need the leadership to guide us there. As one of the older members of the millennial generation I want to work to engage directly on behalf of environmental policies that will create a more sustainable the Tri-Valley. It is not just about making our environment safer. We only have one planet with a 12 year expiration date. We need to remove that expiration date.
West Contra Costa County Group Candidate:
There is one candidate. You may vote for up to one.
Neil D. Tsutsui
Residence: El Cerrito
Occupation: Professor & Scientist
Sierra Club Member since: 2018
- Sierra Club, West Contra Group Executive Committee (Vice-chair, 2020-present)
- East Bay Regional Park District, Parks Advisory Committee (2017-present)
- El Cerrito Environmental Quality Committee (2017-present; Vice-chair, 2019-2020; Chair, 2020-present)
My life has been devoted to understanding and protecting the environment and its biodiversity. Professionally, I have a PhD in Biology and am a Professor in Environmental Science, Policy, and Management at UC Berkeley. I have studied and taught various topics in ecology and evolutionary biology for over 15 years, and thus, I am keenly aware of how seriously our natural world is threatened by the forces of habitat loss, habitat degradation, climate change, invasive species, pollution, and many others.
For the past several years, I have been an advocate for the protection and management of open space as a member of the Parks Advisory Committee for the East Bay Regional Park District, the largest steward of wildlands in the East Bay. As a member (now Chair) of the El Cerrito Environmental Quality Committee, I have helped develop, promote, and implement dozens of environmental activities and programs including the promotion of clean energy (including our community choice energy plan), successful growth of our discounted rooftop solar program, development of a plastic straw and single use plastic ban, popular educational workshops (on topics such as native pollinators, anti-coagulant rodenticides, and coyotes in the urban/wildland interface), and regular creek clean ups and invasive plant removal events.
Since April 2020, I have had the privilege to serve as Vice-chair of the West Contra Costa Group Executive Committee. If re-elected, I will continue to protect our natural areas and open spaces, promote outdoor education for learners of all ages, and increase access to nature for people and communities who face current and historical barriers.