Sierra Club is making the Petaluma Urban Growth Boundary renewal a top local measure in the November 2024 election. Please join us in this exciting campaign to:
- Protect Open Space and Farm Land
- Prevent Costly Sprawl
- Keeps Climate Friendly City Centered Growth
- Increase Wildfire Resiliency
Vote Yes on Measure Y if you live in Petaluma - Sierra Club Endorsed
Endorse Measure Y if you live in or outside Petaluma (individuals, groups, electeds)
Display a Yes on Y yard sign! Email Teri to get one.
Read more about why Urban Growth Boundaries are good for people and the environment here:
Yes on Measure Y renews the existing Petaluma UGB boundaries as is for another 25 years!
All nine cities in Sonoma County have voter-approved Urban Growth Boundaries. Petaluma’s is expiring in 2025 so that is why we are renewing it now!
Thank you so much for supporting the Sierra Club and taking action!