Yes on Measure Y: Petaluma is renewing its Urban Growth Boundary

Sierra Club is making the Petaluma Urban Growth Boundary renewal a top local measure in the November 2024 election.  Please join us in this exciting campaign to:

  • Protect Open Space and Farm Land
  • Prevent Costly Sprawl
  • Keeps Climate Friendly City Centered Growth
  • Increase Wildfire Resiliency


Vote Yes on Measure Y if you live in Petaluma - Sierra Club Endorsed

Endorse Measure Y if you live in or outside Petaluma (individuals, groups, electeds)

Display a Yes on Y yard sign! Email Teri to get one.

Read more about why Urban Growth Boundaries are good for people and the environment here:

Yes on Measure Y renews the existing Petaluma UGB boundaries as is for another 25 years!

All nine cities in Sonoma County have voter-approved Urban Growth Boundaries. Petaluma’s is expiring in 2025 so that is why we are renewing it now!

Thank you so much for supporting the Sierra Club and taking action!

countryside at the edge of Petaluma