Oct 9: "Why on Y" - Forum on renewing Petaluma's Urban Growth Boundary

Wednesday, October 9, 2024
"Why on Y:
The arguments for renewing Petaluma's UGB"

6:30 - 8:30pm
Cavanagh Recreation Center @ 426 8th Street

(and on Zoom from 7pm)

Petaluma's Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) is up for renewal in this year's election.

Urban sprawl is one of the biggest challenges facing modern societies:

  • Sprawl results in the loss of valuable agricultural land we all rely on for our food.
  • Sprawl means more infrastructure for our cities to maintain. (We need to build housing and services where infrastructure already exists.)
  • Sprawl is predicated on transportation via private automobile. One of the biggest factors in climate change is our transportation system. We need compact, walkable neighborhoods and alternatives to travel by private auto.

Let's extend our UBG to 2050 to prevent sprawl and protect open space, wildlands, and farmland for all of us!

Measure Y is supported by the Greenbelt Alliance and the Sierra Club!

Join KBYG in welcoming Ann Hamilton and Teri Shore to learn why we support Measure Y!

More info about speakers here.

Casual conversations, with light refreshments, will begin at 6:30pm. The forum will begin at 7:00pm. Join us in person if you can. If not, Zoom will be available starting at 7:00pm.