The Lake Group hopes to renew our outings program by announcing hikes in 2024. If you are interested in helping us get more members and friends out to learn about and enjoy the beauty of Lake County, contact us at And consider becoming a hike leader!
In the meantime, please enjoy our two local State parks: Anderson Marsh State Historic Park which has a docent led field trip on the second Saturday of the month and Clear Lake State Park which has a variety of events planned for different times of the year (
Also, you can take a self-guided tour through Rodman Slough Preserve on Saturdays from 9am - 2pm thanks to the Lake County Land Trust.
The wonders all around us can do amazing things to lift our spirits in these tumultuous times.
OUTINGS: Sierra Club Notices
All participants on Sierra Club outings are required to sign a Sierra Club Liability Waiver form. If you would like to read the Liability Waiver before you choose to participate on an outing, please go to, or contact the Outings Department at (415) 977-5528 for a printed version. Carpool transportation is at the sole risk of the participants, both driver and passengers, even if they are leaders or staff of the outings or activity. Registration as a seller of travel does not constitute approval by the State of California.