Visit by Top Leaders of Sierra Club

Visit of Top Leaders of Sierra Club -- at the east of Puerto Rico, visiting APRODEC (Alianza Pro Desarrollo Economico de Ceiba)

2023 June 26 - Visit by Top Leaders of Sierra Club

from left = Ben Jealous, Adriana Gonzalez, Ana Yañez Correa, Ramón Cruz, Andrés Dávila de Jesús -- see below for titles...

  • Ben Jealous, Execute Director of Sierra Club
  • Adriana Gonzalez, Lead Organizer of Puerto Rico Healthy Communities (Sierra Club)
  • Ana Yáñez Correa, Deputy Executive Director of Sierra Club
  • Ramón Cruz, President of the Sierra Club and an environmental policy and advocacy expert.
    • Previously, Ramón served as deputy director of Puerto Rico's environmental regulatory agency.
  • Andrés Dávila de Jesús, President of Puerto Rico chapter of Sierra Club