Endorsements Delaware

Delaware County Endorsements

Refer to the map below for PA House District Numbers or use PA Voter Services Lookup.

PA House Map

PA House District Map 

Leanne Krueger


PA State Rep



Prior to November 2022, Leanne Kruger primarily worked to stop bills that were bad for the environment.  Now in the majority, and appointed to the House Democratic Leadership Team, she has worked to support Solar for Schools. She also spends much of her time supporting new members. Part of her job is to exercise due diligence on what bills can get passed with the narrow Democratic majority.  She is part of the Blue-Green working group, which puts environment and labor leaders together to build trust and relationships in order to put bills forward. This has led to environmental leaders supporting labor bills and labor leaders supporting environmental bills.

Heather Boyd


PA State Rep



 Heather Boyd's priorities have been solar for schools and reducing lead in schools.  She co-signed a bill by Elizabeth Fiedler (HB87) to upgrade school facilities.  In her next term her priorities are clean indoor air act to protect workers, environmental justice issues including a safe juvenile justice facility in Delaware County, and access to healthcare since Delaware County lost its public hospital.  Heather is on the Children and Youth Committee and the Health Committee. 

Jen Omara


PA State Rep



" Jenn O’Mara has been working to advance the following environmental priorities:
As a member of the Climate Caucus, she co-sponsored Solar for Schools and has worked on the Appliance Efficiency bill. She works with Penn Environment and other environmental groups to host an environmental Expo, which has expanded environmental education. She has been working with Penn Environment, Natural Gardens, Natural Lands, and DELCO Health Dept. on issues such as mosquito control without spraying.  For the future, Jenn plans work on a program similar to Solar for Schools called Solar for First Responders. This program would incentivize solar installations on rooftops and would allow for selling the energy generated back into the system.  ".

Greg Vitali


PA State Rep



For over two decades, Greg Vitali has been an outspoken champion in the legislature for climate protection and transforming Pennsylvania's energy economy.  He has also worked hard to advance protections for air and water quality, and ensure adequate funding for DEP to enforce those safeguards.  Additional current foci are energy usage by the crypto industry, adequate bonding for gas wells, and ensuring hydrogen hubs potentially located in Pennsylvania actually advance the clean energy transition..

Elizabeth Moro


PA State Rep



A local open space advocate known for her leadership in the successful protection of Crebilly Farm, Elizabeth Moro is stepping up to join the fight to protect democracy, women's reproductive rights and the environment in the PA House. She believes in full implementation of Pennsylvania's Environmental Rights Amendment, more sustainable land development and strengthening groundwater protection.

Lisa Borowski


PA State Rep



Borowski considers the House passage of Solar for Schools, a bill she co-sponsored, as a highlight of her first term, and she appreciates the inclusion of some funding for solar for schools in the 2024 budget.  She is especially proud of introducing HB1607 on electronic recycling. Her focus on the issue allowed her to tour some recycling facilities and bring some modifications to the previously introduced bill that may enhance its success.  She also is the lead sponsor of a “Right to Dry” bill, authored at the request of a constituent to require Homeowners Associations to allow residents to dry their laundry outside.  The above measures will be priorities for her in the near term.  She is also eager to see passage of Community Solar legislation.  .

Mary Gay Scanlon


US Congress

PA 5


Mary Gay Scanlon considers protecting the environment a major part of her lifelong advocacy for children and families. She appreciates the “important work the Sierra Club does identifying  issues where we can make a real difference, helping to educate me and the public”. “Climate is in my main bucket of focus”.  She has worked hard to defend and protect the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and prevent rollbacks. As part of her public outreach, she has hosted several workshops across her district to educate people on how they can benefit from the IRA and to understand the big picture of climate and the IRA. She helped to bring funds to the Eastwick section of Philadelphia to mediate against increased flooding due to climate change, and has worked to improve water quality for the section of the Delaware River that goes through Philadelphia that currently is impacted by waste water and untreated storm water runoff..

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