Endorsements Bucks

Bucks County Endorsements

Refer to the map below for PA House District Numbers or use PA Voter Services Lookup.

Pennsylvania house district map of Bucks County

PA House District Map

Anand Patel


PA State Rep



Anand brings a consciousness about sustainable use of scarce resources from his formative years in India. A Bucks County business owner for 3 decades, he wants to leverage his experience initiating sustainable practices with his businesses to advance sustainability generally.  He supports policies to scale up clean energy and wants to see safer alternatives replace some chemicals manufactured in the region.

Tim Brennan


PA State Rep



Tim Brennan's top priority in running for the Pennsylvania House is to ensure the protection of the Delaware River Basin for the benefits to both the environment and the economy. He sees the understaffing at DEP and the Department of Natural Resources and Conservation as problematic, and that a larger Democratic majority in the House is needed to accomplish more in terms of legislation.  He is active in recruiting candidates to that end.  He sponsored a bill to require HOAs and similar residential developments to allow residents to install EV chargers.

Perry Warren


PA State Rep



Rep. Perry Warren supported RGGI and wants the legislature to press ahead on carbon emissions reduction and clean energy  A priority for Warren is reducing plastic waste, and in particular by reducing the use of bottled water.  He wants to see Governor Shapiro and House leadership prioritize environmental issues and is interested in bipartisan solutions that also support labor issues, as he recognizes the impact that clean energy solutions can have on jobs if not handled skillfully.

Brian Munroe


PA State Rep



Rep. Munroe's first term has focused on stopping a lot of bad bills in the House.  He is a strong supporter of building more EV infrastructure, for passenger cars as well as for fleets of vehicles. He also sees the need for communities to make land redevelopment greener and lower impact, and supported Rep. Shusterman's Open Space county tax legislation for that purpose.  He sees potential to advance bills that can garner bi-partisan support in the House and be framed around community benefits, making them harder for Senators to oppose.  He has been exploring the idea of a fracking fee that would generate funds for school districts or to reduce the tax burden on older individuals on fixed incomes. 

Anna Payne


PA State Rep



As Middletown Twp. supervisor, Anna spearheaded adoption of the township's climate action plan. She is strongly committed to ensuring all communities can benefit from clean energy solutions, and the attendant air quality improvements, and, if elected, intends to help ensure the necessary state-level support for community level climate resilience measures.

Eleanor Breslin


PA State Rep



Eleanor Breslin is an environmental attorney, and passionate advocate for climate protection and safeguarding the environment.  She would bring an unusual depth of environmental issue knowledge as well as commitment to Harrisburg.


Ashley Ehasz


US Congress

PA 1


Defending reproductive rights and democracy are topmost for Ashley.  Climate protection is an important priority, as well as ensuring her district doesn’t miss out on the economic growth potential of green infrastructure.


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