Endorsements 2024

Northeast PA Endorsements

Refer to the map below for US Congressional District Numbers or use PA Voter Services Lookup.

US Congressional Map

Matt Cartwright


US Congress

PA 8


Representative Cartwright is working to lower greenhouse gas emissions through
not only the expansion of the use of Electric Vehicles (EV) but the education around the benefits of them in Northeastern Pennsylvania. He is working to bring funding in for both EVs and the infrastructure needed to maintain an increase of EVs, including providing more EV charging stations throughout the communities in his district.

Refer to the map below for PA House District Numbers or use PA Voter Services Lookup.

PA House Map Northeast PA

Eddie Day Pashinski


PA State Rep



As the chair of the Agriculture committee, Eddie has pushed for support for local farming. He has pushed for the addition of PA grown produce in grocery stores, which not only benefits PA farmers, but it reduces environmental impact by reducing bulk and extensive travel for produce, which also increases shelf life.

Megan Kocher


PA State Rep



Megan's top priority is to support legislation that will subsidize renewable energy production (e.g. solar panels) for working families. She believes that not only will this help to reduce carbon emissions but it will help to cut utility costs for working families as so many costs for necessities are continuing to rise.