HB 3824

HB 3824 allows DEQ to adopt lower water quality standards in cases where wastewater dischargers are having trouble complying. This bill makes it easier to reduce standards and allow polluters to continue polluting. Under the existing system, OWRB (OK Water Resources Board) sets minimum standards for the quality of water in a stream or lake. For example, the maximum concentration of Phosphorus allowed in the Illinois River. Then DEQ has to set permit limits for wastewater dischargers at a level that will comply with those standards. Any variance or other adjustment to the stream standards has to be considered by OWRB. If a discharger thinks the standards are too strict, this bill would allow DEQ to change them on their own during a permit issuance process, with correspondingly limited opportunity for public input. This is apparently part of the on-going effort to let polluters in the Illinois River watershed off the hook.

HB 3824 passed the House by a vote of 94 – 0 and passed the Senate 33 – 8. It was signed by Governor Stitt. Sierra Club opposed HB 3824.

Not satisfied with carving off just a part of the water quality standards program, the Legislature later adopted SB 1325 which transfers the entire program from OWRB to DEQ. It’s hard to see how this will be an improvement. Sierra Club took no position on SB 1325.

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