September 2022 Newsletter

September Newsletter is Here!
Sierra Club Ohio
Dear Friend,

As we enjoy the final days of summer and welcome in Fall, let us gain a new sense of awareness of our environment and all that surrounds us. Sierra Club Ohio’s staff and volunteers are hard at work continuing to offer opportunities for our larger community to be informed, engaged, and to make a difference.

We are offering several training series, opportunities for political volunteering with Sierra Ohio’s endorsed candidates, welcoming our new Young Environmental Leaders, and much more.

In sharing our transformational work with everyone, we hope you’ll enjoy reading about all the ways you can get involved and stay in the know on how Sierra Club Ohio is creating a statewide environmental movement. 

Best wishes,

Ericka Copeland
Director, Sierra Club Ohio

Committee Updates

Equity & Social Justice Committee
The Ohio Environmental Social Justice Committee welcomed a new member to our group in August.

As part of welcoming her, we discussed the creation of Community Agreements and a larger Cultural Transformation Initiative, a practice of developing community through commitment to 5 main values that, together, will focus us on being effective and inclusive. The first of these values is  Anti-Racism. Through learning as a group, and as individuals, we are committing to doing our work (Mission) in a way that commits to understanding how environmental injustices are connected to racism and shifting power away from White Supremacy while repairing harm and ending structural racism.

Training Opportunity: How to Communicate Effectively with Sierra Club and The Message Box Method!
Effective advocacy depends on effective communication. This training will introduce the Message Box method and how it helps to advance legislative, political, and educational priorities. The Message Box is a simple method that creates strong, concise communications to connect with audiences and move them to action. This can be used to craft messages to the public and decision-makers. Please note that the Message Box is a written system - this training is not about learning new software or online forms! We will also provide an update on statewide legislative and political priorities and how you can get involved.
Register here!
Statewide Plastics Committee
Ban the Bag Webinar!

Join Sierra Club Ohio's Statewide Plastics Committee September 22nd at 6pm with guest speakers Jill Bartolotta and Scott Hardy for Ban the Bag: Support for Plastic Bag Reduction Strategies in Northeast Ohio

Society's use of plastic is increasing, while the ability to properly manage plastic waste is decreasing. This project seeks to determine the effectiveness of a plastic bag ban, supported by targeted education and outreach, at several local businesses in northeast Ohio.
Register Now!

Local Group Updates!

Lake Erie Documentary at John Carroll University

The documentary film, The Erie Situation, will be shown in the auditorium of John Carroll University’s Dolan Science Center (University Heights, OH) on September 28 at 7 pm.  

The screening is sponsored by the Northeast Ohio Sierra Club Group and the JCU Dept. of Sociology. The film, which deals with toxic algal blooms in the lake, will be followed by a panel discussion. There is no charge for attendance. 
RSVP Here!
National Drive Electric Week is back on September 23rd through October 2nd

This is a nationwide celebration to raise awareness of the many benefits of all-electric and plug-in hybrid cars, trucks, motorcycles, and more. Are you considering going electric? RSVP for an in-person or online event to learn from owners who have made the switch.

Ohio events are scheduled in Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, and Toledo.
Find your local event here!

Volunteer Opportunities!

Political Committee Volunteering

How can you make a difference in this year's elections? Which environmental champions can you support? We have opportunities to participate for all comfort levels. Volunteer with Sierra Club Ohio's endorsed candidates and learn ways to engage in political volunteering this election season!

Visit the link below for more information and to read about our political program.
Sierra Club Ohio Political Work
Young Environmental Leaders

Sierra Club Ohio held the first Young Environmental Leaders statewide event on August 18th. This virtual event featured, Tomorrow Bowen, an intersectional environmentalist and community organizer researching superfund sites, environmental injustices, and assessing environmental exposures in Black & Brown communities.

These opportunities will create a space to connect, empower, and develop young leaders throughout Ohio. We are focused on increasing the diversity of the Sierra Club community, creating a place for young voices to be heard, and shifting traditional professional structures to cultivate learning and growth.  Learn more about this new team here!
For all volunteering needs and questions, email Sierra Club Ohio's Volunteer Coordinator!
Thank you!

Thank you for all you do for the environment in Ohio. We look forward to hearing from you and connecting on all of our rebuilding activities. Hoping that you and your loved ones are well and safe.
Visit Our Website!