Politics and Elections

The Sierra Club has a long and successful tradition of supporting candidates for public office at local, state, and federal levels. We view electoral work as an important tool for advancing the protection of Ohio's natural environment. An endorsement from Sierra Club Ohio carries significant weight with our members and identifies candidates as supporters of strong environmental policies. Our endorsements are decided by a Political Committee of our members, through consideration of written candidate questionnaires, in-person interviews, review of voting history in public office, personal accomplishments, and viability in the election.

To see our 2024 endorsed candidates, please click here.

Are you fed up about how Ohio's State Legislature keeps attacking the environment and public health protections? We are too! Are you outraged over the $60 million corruption among Ohio politicians over the worst energy legislation in the entire country and are you wanting to bring accountability and integrity in electing Ohio legislators? We are too! Are you seeing the lack of diversity and perspectives of our candidates for office and want to help candidates that look like us all and care about all our concerns? We are too! Are you marching for Black Lives Matter, calling for integrity of our voting system, or demanding better handling of the COVID pandemic? We are too!

That's why Sierra Club Ohio's Political Committee is raising PAC money to help elect candidates who care about our environment to the Ohio General Assembly in the election – because a better environment means a healthier, more prosperous Ohio. Sierra Club Ohio's PAC will be used strategically to achieve immediate impact and strong power at the Ohio Statehouse because only Sierra Club has the strength in numbers to show the candidates how much you care about Ohio’s environmental protections, affordable clean energy for all, preservation of Ohio’s wild places, and conservation of Ohio’s wildlife. Your PAC donation will show candidates that Ohio Sierra Club members put their money where their vote is!

Your donation TODAY goes straight to our political team rallying key voters and funding the most crucial swing elections in the state.

To get involved with our Political Committee, please contact: Charlie Mitch at cmitch3210@gmail.com. 

Sierra Club Ohio’s Political Committee is raising money to help elect pro-environmental leaders to local and state offices. Sierra Club Ohio’s PAC will be used strategically to grow our long-term power at the Ohio Statehouse, by:

  • Educating candidates on Ohio’s most urgent environmental issues and commonsense approaches to addressing them,

  • Publishing an Online Election Guide to promote environmental champions,

  • Attending public events to ask candidates about environmental protections, and

  • Ensuring that environmental champions are elected and that we have a strong relationship with them before they even take office.

Click here to donate to Ohio Sierra Club PAC: