Take the Plastic-Free July pledge today!
Join over one million people worldwide who pledge to go plastic-free during the month of July. When you take the pledge you will receive four emails during the month of July which include: tips on how to reduce plastic in your daily life, updates on events happening in your area and virtually, updated news on the plastic pollution crisis and solutions.
Click here to take the pledge!
July 7 at 7pm: Blue Hydrogen Webinar with Impacts of Plastic A-Z Register Link Here
July 11 at 6pm: Story of Plastic movie screening at Athens County Library
July 13 at 6pm: Plastics 101 Webinar
July 21 at 6pm: Microplastics Webinar with Lake Erie Foundation
July 30 at 4pm: Children's Puppet Show with Athen ReThink Plastics at Athens Public Library
Athens ReThink Plastics Calendar
Link to Plastic Free July Blog Posts:
How to Reduce Waste While Traveling
What do the Chasing Arrows Mean, Anyway?
What are PFAS? It's Toxic and It's Everywhere!
How Do I Recycle Used Tennis Balls?
What is a Fibershed, and how is it transforming the way we think about our clothes?