Election Edition - Ohio Chapter Elections Coming This Fall!

Election Edition

We are excited to announce that the Nominating Committee is now recruiting for passionate and talented individuals to run for Sierra Club Ohio’s Executive Committee. This is a pivotal step forward in our reorganization as we seek to return to Chapter status. 

During the past year, Sierra Club Ohio  has adopted new bylaws and a Strategic Plan. We are now forming the first Executive Committee since 2020 and they will be a vital part of implementing that plan. A seat on the Executive Committee is a unique opportunity for volunteer leaders to serve as advocates to guide our organization and make a significant impact on Ohio’s environment. These leaders are key in fostering a community of Ohioans who want to contribute to meaningful change.

Once candidates have been selected by the nominating committee, Sierra Club members throughout Ohio will elect leaders to carry on Sierra Club’s tradition as a grassroots environmental organization.

Sierra Club knows that Ohio is full of accomplished, gifted, and driven folks who care deeply about our home and environment. From our artists to our astronauts, we invite you all to join us on this journey as we protect,enjoy, and explore the Buckeye State.

Yours in the movement,

Ericka Copeland
State Director
Sierra Club Ohio

Candidate Process


If you are ready to make a difference and would like to run for a seat on the Executive Committee, you have two options for potential candidacy. You may choose the avenue you use to pursue candidacy. Candidates must be a member of Sierra Club before applying. 

Nomination: Complete the application here to be considered by our Nominating Committee as a candidate for the Executive Committee Elections. Applications are due August 1, 2024. 

Petition: Prospective candidates may also seek to get on the fall ballot by submitting a petition signed by at least 25 Ohio Sierra Club members in lieu of applying to the Nominating Committee. Find more information about petitions here. Please feel free to nominate yourself or other Sierran! Petitions are due September 13, 2024. 

  • The Executive Committee is made up of 4 at-large members, plus Group Representatives chosen by their respective groups 

  • Terms are one or two years, and begin in January 2025

  • Ballots will be sent in mid-October, with results announced in mid-November 

  • Orientation of the new members of the Ohio Chapter ExCom takes place in December before they are seated in January

*Has your contact information (name, email) changed in the last year? Keep our records up to date so you can participate in the election process!*

Questions? Please contact: 

Brian Williams, Nominating Committee Co-Chair, localnine@yahoo.com

Lisa Rooney, Co-Chair, lrooneyhome@gmail.com