June 2024 Newsletter

Sierra Club Ohio
Dear Members and Supporters,

I am thrilled to share with you the latest updates and accomplishments from Sierra Club Ohio. Our Chapter has been bustling with exciting activities and initiatives aimed at advancing our mission of protecting the environment and promoting sustainability across the state.

First and foremost, I am delighted to announce the reviving of our dynamic Conservation Committee! The Conservation Committee is a platform for passionate individuals like you to lead and participate in impactful conservation efforts across Ohio. From advocating for cleaner air and water to preserving our natural habitats, our committee is dedicated to making a real difference in our communities. Opportunities to sign up for the committee are listed in this publication via the Conservation Committee Sign Up Form

This endeavor marks a significant step forward in our efforts to address pressing environmental issues and create positive change within our communities. Our Conservation Committee will be hard at work implementing various conservation projects and advocating for environmental protection policies. 

In addition to restarting the Conservation Committee, we have recently seated a Nominations Committee tasked with recruiting applicants for the new Executive Committee (Ex Com). This committee plays a vital role in ensuring the effective leadership of our Chapter, representing the diverse voices and interests of our membership. Please consider applying and even spreading the word to those who might be interested in serving on the Ex Com.

In other news, Ohio's schools have been awarded millions of dollars for electric school buses, a testament to the growing momentum towards sustainable transportation solutions in our state. This achievement underscores the importance of investing in clean energy initiatives that reduce emissions and improve air quality for our communities.

As we look ahead to the summer and fall, we are ramping up our bipartisan voter engagement efforts. It is crucial that we advocate for policies and candidates that prioritize environmental conservation and sustainability. Your participation in these efforts is key to shaping the future of environmental policy in Ohio.

Lastly, I want to emphasize the importance of recruiting volunteer leaders throughout our Chapter. Our success relies on the dedication and commitment of passionate individuals like you. Whether you're interested in leading conservation projects, organizing community events, or advocating for environmental policies, there are ample opportunities for you to get involved and make a difference.

Thank you for your continued support and dedication to Sierra Club Ohio. Together, we can create a more sustainable and equitable future for all.

Wishing you all the best,

Ericka Copeland

State Director
Sierra Club Ohio

SC Ohio Seeking Candidates for 2024 ExCom election

A Nominating Committee has been named to recruit candidates for the first Ohio Chapter Executive Committee election in four years.

Under newly revised bylaws, Chapter ExCom will consist of four at-large elected members plus a Group representative chosen by the respective Group ExComs.

Nominations will be accepted until August 1.

The election will begin in October and results announced in November. Members interested in running for Chapter ExCom should contact Brian Williams at localnine@yahoo.com.

Charting a Greener Path!
Calling all Climate Advocates! 

Pictured is a hand holding a small mound of dirt with a plant growing. Credits to Pixabay.com

Join the Movement Today!

We're thrilled to announce the reviving of Sierra Club Ohio's Conservation Committee!

This is your chance to be at the forefront of environmental change, shaping a sustainable future for generations to come.

What's It All About?

The Conservation Committee is a platform for passionate individuals like you to lead and participate in impactful conservation efforts across Ohio. From advocating for cleaner air and water to preserving our natural habitats, our committee is dedicated to making a real difference in our communities.

Why Join?

By joining forces with like-minded climate advocates, you'll have the opportunity to:
  • Lead conservation initiatives and drive positive change
  • Connect with fellow environmental enthusiasts
  • Make a tangible impact on local ecosystems and communities

How Can You Get Involved?

Whether you're a seasoned environmentalist or a newcomer eager to make a difference, there's a place for you in our committee!

Sign up today to:
  • Join our team of passionate leaders
  • Participate in upcoming conservation projects and events
  • Engage with local communities to raise awareness about environmental issues

Ready to Make a Difference?

Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to be part of something truly meaningful.

Join the Conservation Committee today and, together, let's chart a greener path for Ohio and beyond!
Sign Up Now
Learn More

Sierra Club Military Outdoors is launching 1st Women Veterans Outdoor Leadership Training

Pictured: Three women walking alongside a nature trail surrounded by trees in the fall. Picture credits to Sierra Club Military Outdoors

This online training is designed to teach women how to lead other women veterans in the outdoors in a way that is comfortable for them. The cohort will take place in the early fall and is open to any interested woman.

If you know someone who would make a great outing leader, please share this opportunity with them.

Don't miss out on this unique chance to learn valuable skills, create relationships and make a difference in the lives of women veterans.

Fill out the link below to express your interest today! 
#SierraClub #WomenLeadership #VeteransOutdoors
Join In The Fun!

Sierra Club Ohio's Earth Month Efforts: Empowering Communities for Environmental Action

Picture of 3 Sierra Club Ohio Workers/Volunteers at Hudson Earth Day

Throughout Earth Month, Sierra Club Ohio engaged communities in Columbus, Cincinnati, Akron, and Cleveland.

Our members, volunteers, and staff set up tables, shared information, and highlighted the benefits of rebates on electric vehicles and heat pumps. We made learning fun with candy, coloring activities, and an envioscape to show the connection between our actions and the environment.

These efforts educated and inspired individuals of all ages to make environmentally conscious choices- fostering a culture of sustainability and empowering communities to take action for a greener future.


Sierra Club Congratulates Ohio School Districts Selected for Winning More than $30 Million in Rebates for Electric School Buses

Picture of a large yellow school bus connected to a battery charging port. Picture credits to Getty Images

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced that 20 school districts in Ohio will benefit from the 2023 Clean School Bus Program rebate competition, all of which have been selected to receive rebate funding for purchasing clean school buses.

The program funds electric school buses, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, producing cleaner air, and saving money for school districts.
Read More Here

Empowering Ohio: Sierra Club's Voter Engagement Campaign for the Fall Election

Pictured: Digital recreation of a "VOTE" button in red, white, and blue. Picture credits to Pixabay.com credits to
Sierra Club Ohio will run an extensive voter engagement campaign across Ohio proceeding this fall’s election.

Our strategy emphasizes community empowerment and the amplification of diverse voices. This endeavor ensures Ohioans elect leaders who will champion our work and support our mission.

Will you join us?

For more information, please contact:

Jocelyn Travis,jocelyn.travis@sierraclub.org,
Ericka Copeland, ericka.copeland@sierraclub.org

Pictured: Small picture of Cleveland accompanied by the text reading: Cleveland's Climate Action Plan

Cleveland's Climate Action Plan: A Call for Ambitious, Science-Based Targets

As Cleveland updates its climate action plan, Sierra Club Ohio stresses the need for ambitious, science-based targets. These targets, rooted in the latest research and bio-physical limits, are crucial for meaningful progress. By adopting such goals, Cleveland can lead in sustainability and resilience, setting a high standard for other cities.

Now is the time for bold action. The city must seize this opportunity to mitigate climate change and ensure a prosperous, sustainable future. Let's rise to the occasion and lead by example.

Let's connect, have fun, and make a difference together!

Pictured: "Volunteer with Us!" written inside a shaped border.

We are Recruiting Volunteers
Please Apply Today!

Please send your resume and cover letter to Ericka Copeland, State Director via email: ericka.copeland@sierraclub.org and contact her with any questions; and/or click the link below to apply.

Volunteer Treasurer Position

Support Sierra Club Ohio's financial management systems, manage and oversee the integrity and accuracy of Ohio's financial management process and procedures.
Click Here to Apply

Volunteer Communication
Committee Members Needed!

Are you a passionate communicator ready to make a real impact? Sierra Club Ohio's Communications Committee is inviting new members to join us.

Join the effort to spread awareness about protecting Ohio's environment. Contribute by crafting compelling messages, planning exciting events, and connecting with our community.

Be the voice of change!
Email chad.stephens@sierraclub.org to get involved

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Join Voter Engagement Efforts!

We're seeking volunteers to organize a non-partisan voter engagement initiative for the November 4th General Election.

Please contact:

Jocelyn Travis: jocelyn.travis@sierraclub.org


Ericka Copeland: ericka.copeland@sierraclub.org
Thank You!

We greatly appreciate your dedication to environmental conservation in Ohio. We eagerly anticipate hearing from you and connecting with you soon!