URGENT: Ohioans Deserve a Say if Someone Wants to Frack our Public Lands

Imagine Fracking Next to the New Hocking Hills State Park Lodge

Over the holiday, the Ohio Legislature passed HB 507 which further opens up our public lands for oil and gas extraction. This includes all state parks, forests and university lands and Ohio Department of Transportation land. The Oil and Gas Land Management Commission, established in 2011, will oversee the leasing of public lands for oil and gas extraction in Ohio.

We deserve a say, provide a comment now!

This legislation, originally focused on poultry sales, added two amendments that significantly overreach the intended scope of the original legislation, and serve as significant giveaways to fossil fuel interests at the expense of everyday Ohioans. These amendments were added in at the last minute, with no opportunity for significant public discussion. Make your voice heard now!

  • The legislation which is now law, redefine natural gas as “green energy.” 
  • And, forces the oil and gas commission to approve leasing state lands for fracking. 
Our state public lands have been threatened by fracking interests for more than a decade, but never as much as they are now. The commission is now accepting public comments regarding the rules around public involvement in leasing Ohio public lands for oil and gas extraction. This is our only opportunity to have some say in giving away our public trust in Ohio.

Public comments are due to the Commission by 5:00 pm this Friday, January 13, 2023. Please submit a comment to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources at the link below:

Take Action!

Thank you for taking action on this crucial issue! The aesthetic beauty as well as biodiversity of forests will be impacted by allowing fossil fuel companies to frack the landscape. Let's put Ohio citizens' interests before the oil and gas industry.