Ohio Past Plastic Calendar of Events


From reproductive health to recycling, we explore various aspects of plastics. These include both Sierra Club events and partner sponsor events. To learn more, a web link is provided for each event. Hope you can join us! Note: events that are sponsored and co-sponsored by Sierra Club will also be listed on our Campfire Calendar.


Wednesday, May 12th at 12p  -  The Plastic Invasion of Reporductive Health presented by Beyond Plastics In honor of Women’s Health Month in May, Beyond Plastics will host a conversation on the effects of plastic on human health and reproduction. Learn more

Thursday, May 13th at 7pm  -  Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act Teach-In presented by Sierra Club Ohio Past Plastic Learn about BFFPPA federal legislation that calls for action to address the root cause of plastic pollution. Information will be provided for you to write letters, tweet, or call you legislator. It is a fun and concrete way to bring about change and get to know other activists. Learn more

Monday, May 17th at 6pm -  Sierra Club Statewide Clean Water Call Sierra Club Ohio will host a montly statewide call for the Clean Water team. Learn about newly introduced state legislation: House Bill175 seeks to remove water quality protections from Ohio's streams (oppose). Senate Bill 171 proposes to legalize the spreading of hazardous waste on roadways (oppose). Time will be alloted for updates from volunteers and local groups around the state. Learn more

Monday, May 17th at 7pm  -  Tackling the A-Z Impacts of Plastic: Students Taking on Petrochemicals (STOP)The A-Z team will host a panel of student organizers working with Post Landfill Action Network to STOP the petrochemical buildout in Appalachia. Learn from these incredible students about the work they are doing, how students can make a difference on their campus/in their community, and how adults can be allies to student activists. Learn more 

Friday, May 21st at 12pm  -  Rumpke Waste & Recycling Expansion 2.0 The recycling program in Franklin County recently expanded to include additional types of plastics – tubs, specifically – which means our cottage cheese tubs and yogurt containers can now go on to have a second life as a new product. Learn more

Monday, May 24th at 6:30pm  - Sierra Club Statewide Ohio Past Plastic Call Sierra Club Ohio will host a monthly statewide call for the Ohio Past Plastic team. Learn why you should avoid black take-out food containers and updates about Kroger no longer carrying single-use plastic bags in Cincinnatti. Time will be alloted for updates from volunteers and local groups around the state. Learn more

Thursday, May 27th at 7pm  -  Sierra Club Ohio Past Plastic Action Night Join us for a night of action as we wrtie letters, tweet, and call our legislators urging a yes vote for federal legislation Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act. Learn more