Searching for Ohio Steering Committee Appointments

Ohio Sierra Club Member Update: 

As you may know, the Sierra Club Ohio Chapter has been undergoing challenges for some time now and extensive efforts to right the ship have fallen short.   

As a result, the decision was made to take an important next step toward rebuilding the Ohio Chapter with a vote of the Sierra Club’s Board of Directors to suspend the Ohio Chapter Executive Committee for a period of four years.  You can review the Board’s resolution below.  

Rebuilding the Ohio Chapter will begin with the establishment by the Board of a Ohio Chapter Steering Committee of dedicated Ohio Sierra Club members who will replace the former Ohio Chapter Executive Committee. Ohio’s Chapter staff will remain in place and continue doing great work under the supervision of national managers. Ohio Groups and their Executive Committees remain in place and are encouraged to continue advancing the conservation, political and other Sierra Club goals and values we all share. In addition, no one’s Sierra Club membership has changed in Ohio as a result of this action.  

There will be a small window of transition between the Ohio Chapter Executive Committee and when the Steering Committee officially takes over. The Executive Committee of the Board of Directors is serving as the interim management body. 

The Executive Committee of the Board recently appointed a Nominating Committee to nominate candidates for the Steering Committee for appointment by the Board of Directors.   The nominating committee is composed of three Ohio Sierra Club members and two Sierra Club leaders from other chapters with experience navigating similar challenging situations and suspensions.  We would like to thank the members of the committee: Vicky Mattson - OH, Nikki Snider - OH, Linda Reeder - OH, Luther Dale - MN, Debbie Matthews - FL.  

Nomination Form: If you would like to nominate someone for the Ohio Steering Committee please fill out this form by Sept  25.

Application: If you would like to submit an application for the Steering Committee please fill out this form.

Frequently Asked Questions: Follow this link for more details. 

The Board further establishes the following goals for the Steering Committee and other Sierra Club leaders working with members of the Ohio Chapter during its suspension: 

1. Rebuild Sierra Club functions in Ohio and transition to a well-functioning, effective member-elected Ohio Chapter volunteer leadership. This will include establishing new community agreements to build trust among volunteer leaders, maintaining intellectual honesty and respectful dialogue, addressing disagreements constructively, creating a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere where all leaders can thrive and new leaders feel welcomed, and establishing a governance structure that engages members and the community in work that advances Sierra Club’s mission. 

2. Build the skills of senior chapter leaders to manage chapter staff with the goal of developing and training a personnel committee that will manage chapter staff.  

3. Provide support to improve Chapter volunteer leadership and management capacity to engage in addressing potential problems before they evolve into conflicts and constructively resolve disagreements. 

4. Create an Ohio Chapter Strategic Plan setting forth a cohesive statewide approach to implementing Sierra Club’s mission throughout the state of Ohio.

5. Build the communications with and the capacity of the Ohio groups to engage members and supporters in meaningful ways to advance Sierra Club goals. 

6. Build a mutually beneficial relationship with the national Sierra Club and national staff working in Ohio.

7. Maintain the core functions of the Chapter: advancing Sierra Club’s mission (conservation, litigation, outings, political, equity), providing service to members, supporters and the public, building local resources, and complying with bylaws, policies and standards. 

8. Ensure compliance with applicable Sierra Club policies and requirements.


Board Resolution on Suspension of Ohio Chapter

Adopted Thursday, July 16, 2020

The Board voted in December of 2019 to commence the process under Bylaw 8.4 to consider suspension of the Ohio Chapter after receiving an update on the Chapter’s status from the Office of Chapter Support. The grounds for the proposed suspension were furnished in writing to Chapter members and the officers of the Council of Club Leaders in May 2020, together with information on how to provide comments to the Board on the proposed action.  The Board sought and received the advice of the Council of Club Leaders on this proposed action. In June and July 2020, Sierra Club members in Ohio commented in writing and by conference call with the Board on the proposed suspension of the Ohio Chapter. 

After due consideration, the Board finds suspension of the Ohio Chapter is in the best interests of Sierra Club and hereby suspends the Ohio Chapter for four years. The suspension will end upon the seating of a properly elected Executive Committee in the first quarter of 2024,  unless otherwise determined by the Board of Directors. 

During this suspension, the membership status of Ohio members will be unaffected. The Board will constitute a Nominating Committee to inform the constitution of the Ohio Chapter Steering Committee which will handle decision-making and other governance functions during suspension that are currently vested in the Chapter Executive Committee. Groups within Ohio may continue to be led by their elected Executive Committees, and have the same authority to act in the name of  Sierra Club that they currently have. Each group will also be able to send a representative to serve on the Steering Committee.

In order to rebuild Sierra Club functions in Ohio, to rebuild trust among volunteer leaders and with members, community leaders, national Sierra Club leaders and the public, and to prepare for a transition to a well-functioning member-elected Ohio Chapter leadership, the Board hereby delegates to its Executive Committee authority to constitute the Nominating Committee, appoint the Steering Committee members and charge, and hold the Steering Committee accountable to its charge. The Board also delegates to its Executive Committee the authority to authorize the Ohio Chapter Steering Committee to appoint a delegate and alternate to the Council of Club Leaders.  

The Nominating Committee shall nominate up to seven members and two alternates for the Steering Committee for approval by the Board Excom. The Nominating Committee will be composed of 3 - 5 volunteer Sierra Club members supported by the Office of Chapter Support: three Ohio Chapter members, one volunteer from outside Ohio to provide additional context and guidance regarding the chapter suspension process, and one from the Board Volunteer Leader and Activism Committee.

The Steering Committee will be composed of volunteer Sierra Club members in Ohio. The Board delegates to its Executive Committee management of the functions of the suspended Ohio Chapter during the interim period until the Steering Committee is constituted. The Board further directs the Executive Committee to provide it with periodic updates and recommend, when appropriate, ending the chapter suspension at the earliest possible date.