Plastic Pollution Ends With You

This Plastic Free July posed unique challenges and the state of the world continues to provide hurdles to overcome in the fight to end plastic pollution. The fight to end plastic pollution exists on a local, state, federal and even global scale. We have highlighted several examples this month, and hope you will continue this journey with us through our “Move Ohio Past Plastic” Campaign. As Plastic Free July 2020 comes to a close, we want to provide you with actions you can take immediately in your daily life to reduce or even remove the dependency on single use plastics. 


As dining out in restaurants continues to carry risk many of us have turned to takeout and delivery as options to avoid cooking meals ourselves. how can we support our local food industry and still remain committed to avoiding single use plastics at this time? Call around prior to ordering and inquire about how takeout orders are being packaged. Are takeout containers styrofoam, or an eco-friendly option such as biodegradable material? When ordering make sure to note that you do not need disposable silverware, plates, napkins, and sachets of sauce such as ketchup and soy sauce. Additionally, use that time or space to request that your food not be packed in a single use plastic bag - just carry your order or offer to bring a reusable bag! 

Summer Fun Keeping Cool

Ohio, like much of the country, has experienced very hot weather this summer. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to stay cool and plastic free! Want to indulge in ice cream as a cool and refreshing treat? Get your scoops in a cone instead of a bowl to avoid the wasteful bowl and spoon! Kids want to cool off with water balloons, but you don’t want the waste and clean up of plastic single use balloons? Crochet your own reusable water balloons using this free pattern! It’s the perfect time to learn a new skill if you don’t know how.

Reusable Water Balloons   Reusable Water Balloons Child Throwing

Photos Courtesy of Julie Beck Marks

Socially Distant Outdoors

Getting outdoors is a great way to stay healthy and clear your mind, while keeping yourself safe and socially distanced. As more people take advantage of outdoor adventuring during this time, let’s review how you can do it waste free! As always, pack a reusable water bottle to stay hydrated; make sure you bring along enough for the whole trip, as refill stations may not currently be available. Going camping or want to bring along snacks for your excursion? Reevaluate your food choices to avoid buying food with excess packaging, or better yet package free. Avoid pre-prepared foods and prep at home using reusable containers to store and transport your meals. Bring along reusable cutlery and plates, too!

Plastic Free July Every Month

Check out the calendar we shared at the beginning of the month! Are there any changes to reduce your plastic consumption that you didn’t get to yet? Plastic Free “July” can be any and every month! Keep working to change your habits and behaviors to help in the fight to end plastic pollution!

Stay Involved with Upcoming Events:

August 3, 7-9pm: Past Plastic Cincinnati will discuss updates and actions on the topic of single-use plastics. Register for the Zoom here (Plastics discussion will start at 7:45pm). 

August 7, 5-6:30pm: US Army Corps of Engineers public hearing for a new barge terminal that will ship oil and gas waste on the Ohio River. More info here. 

August 13th, 6pm-7pm: The Problem with Plastics: Virtual Presentation. Register here to join the virtual program. $5 suggested donation. 

August 27, 7-8pm: SWACO Compost with Confidence webinar. Register here. 

August 31st, 6:30pm: Sierra Club Ohio Past Plastics Monthly Meeting. RSVP here!

Anytime: Watch Frontline's documentary Plastic Wars.