Trash In Our Back Yard

By Molly Ridge, Clean Water Fellow

Recently, members of the Central Ohio Sierra Club group, local volunteers, and students Columbus Alternative High School visited the Hilltop neighborhood, along Eakin Road, to plant 200 trees which were generously donated by Green Columbus. What we found when we arrived was quite shocking: vehicles and entire contents of homes dumped in the field and surrounding woods. These piles of trash are the product of illegal dumping which has had an incredibly negative effect on the area, taking away the beauty of the forests, harming wildlife, and inviting crime into the neighborhood. Fortunately, there are ways you can help fight illegal dumping. One important way is to report any illegal dumping you see to It's A Crime or by calling 614-645-3111. Do your best to get photos or videos of the dumping and license plate numbers. This is a problem we can solve together! Much of the trash we discovered was plastic and disposable single-use items. Which is ironic, as HB 242 is currently fighting efforts to reduce single-use plastic items. You can help fight this bill and plastic pollution by telling your representative to oppose House Bill 242, sign the petition today! These issues at hand are large, but together we can overcome illegal dumping and plastic pollution if we continue to stand up and fight!

Photos from our event on November 2nd, 2019