Protect Ohio From Big Polluters, DONATE TODAY!

Thanks to members and supporters like you, the Ohio Chapter Sierra Club has made great strides in the past year. But we've still got a long way to go, and we need your help. 

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Let's focus on progress across the state:

1. Two Ohio cities - Cleveland and Cincinnati - have committed to running on 100% renewable energy. Cincinnati was the 100th city in the county to make this commitment!

2. Dogged activism by our volunteers in Ohio prevented millions of gallons of untreated sewage from entering local waterways including the Ohio River.

3. Our legal challenge to permits for a proposed petrochemical facility in Belmount County resulted in a settlement requiring the facility, if built, to significantly reduce air pollution.

4. Our plastic-free team worked in coalition to secure four communities in Ohio with local ordinances reducing plastic pollution.

5. Our energy team won an important upgrade to Ohio's building codes, making new homes 25% more energy efficient and saving homeowners money on their monthly energy bills.

6. Our transportation team worked in coaliton with MOVE Ohio to secure an extra $33 million in this year's Ohio budget for public transit - a 33% increase from last year.

We can't protect and restore Ohio's air, land, water, and climate without your support. Please make a year-end contribution of $50, $150, or more to the Ohio Chapter Sierra Club today. Every dollar you donate to the Ohio Chapter Sierra Club will stay right here in Ohio, helping us continue to protect rivers, forests, and communities that depend on us.

Carl Sagan said, "You are by accident of fate alive at an absolutely critical movement in the history of our planet." With your support, we can win the environmental victories that Ohio so desperately needs.

Click link and DONATE TODAY!