Webinar: EPA’s CWA 401 Rollbacks & Trump’s Attack on Bedrock Environmental Protections

The goal of the call is to explain the contents of Section 401 of the Clean Water Act and the proposed changes coming from the Trump Administration. A new proposed rule would significantly limit the ability for states and tribes to protect the quality of their water in the face of increasing greed-driven development from the fossil fuel industry. Fracked gas pipelines, coal plants, and other dirty energy sources devastate and pollute our waterways; and now Trump wants to destroy one of the only ways states and tribes have to keep our waters potable, fishable and swimmable.
Like to attend?  Please click the link below.

Section 401 CWA Rule Change Webinar Registration Link

There are two featured speakers.

Wally Taylor, Esq. is an attorney in private practice in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. He has been practicing environmental law for over 30 years, including cases involving the Clean Water Act, the Clean Air Act, NEPA, CAFOs (factory farms), and land use issues. In addition, Wally has also represented the Sierra Club in challenging the re-licensing of nuclear plants and the licensing of nuclear waste dumps. Wally has also represented the Sierra Club in challenging the permitting of the Dakota Access crude oil pipeline.


Joan Walker is a South Carolina native living in Asheville for the past 18 years. For over a decade she has worked to forward the transition to a clean energy economy in a variety of settings and roles including higher education, non-profits, consulting, and local government. Joan is currently a Senior Campaign Representative on Sierra Club's Beyond Dirty Fuels Campaign, pushing back against the build out of dirty, dangerous unnecessary fracked gas pipelines across the Southern U.S. She serves on several boards: Buncombe County Planning, North Carolina Conservation Network and Green Built Alliance.

Joan Walker.jpg

Your Water Sentinels Leadership Team Organizer.

Debbie Neustadt is a 40-year member of Sierra Club currently living in Des Moines, Iowa. She has had many positions in her Group and Chapter. The hardest one was being Chapter Treasurer. She has been on two national Clean Water Campaigns. One had an emphasis on stopping the bad Bud Shuster Dirty Water Bill and the other was EPA's rewrite of the CAFO regulations. In Iowa she worked to make the waters of the state fishable and swimmable. Currently as a national Water Sentinel she works on water affordability. She is also on the core team of Missouri and Mississippi River Grassroots Network.
