Protect Ohio's Wetlands from Development

Please act now! Send a message to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers letting them know they should preserve our precious wetlands!

The Ohio EPA has approved a 401 permit for development of vital Category 2 wetlands in Trumbull County, Ohio. Now, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is considering the 404 permit for this same project proposing to fill 15.95 acres of wetlands, all of which are Category 2 and 95.4% is forested. The damaging environmental effects of this proposed project are far reaching. The filling of these wetlands would destroy sensitive resources and cause irreparable environmental damage, and mitigation will not suffice. There are many additional reasons this proposed project should not proceed, including:

  • The proposed development is going to impact the 100 year floodplain. It is also clear that existing infrastructure is located on the 100 year floodplain, furthering the potential impacts of filling these wetlands. There has been recent flooding issues in this community well documented by local news outlets, which would only be exacerbated by the filling and development of the mentioned wetlands.

  • This project is not water dependent, and alternative sites have not been appropriately considered by the developer. According to the Trumbull County Brownfield Coalition there are 500 acres of brownfield sites along the Mahoning River corridor and 5000+ acres in Trumbull County. These sites should be thoroughly investigated by the developer as alternative locations. Ohio Administrative Code 3745-1-54 Wetland Antidegradation Paragraph (D) (1) (a) (i) states that either a category 2 or category 3 wetland must demonstrate that avoidance is not practicable.

  • Proponents of the development claim the project benefits economic expansion, however there is an economic downside to the loss of natural services. If calculated, the balance sheet for the development in this location once the loss of natural services are subtracted would not favor moving forward.

  • The lower Mosquito Creek corridor has been the subject of conservation efforts for many years. Clean Ohio Fund money has been applied to properties both upstream and downstream from the proposed Enterprise Park site. 

  • Endangered Species have been found in the immediate area and properly documented, including the blue spotted salamander on the endangered species list Additionally, the Mosquito Creek Corridor is designated an Audubon Society Important Bird and Biodiversity Area (IBA), meaning it is a migratory bird corridor with special habitat for breeding waterfowl and neo-tropical birds, and therefore should be considered Category 3 wetland.

Ohio has lost more than 90% of its original wetlands, making the conservation of those that remain even more critical! This proposed development would fragment pristine urban wetlands, destroying fragile habitat and compromising water quality. This specific project is not water dependent, and alternative sites have not been sufficiently considered. Taking action to protect unique and crucial habitats such as this is essential to the protection of habitat, wildlife, and water quality. 

Want more information and to get involved in this effort? Please consider attending the Friends of the Mahoning River Information Session, or support their legal fight against the 401 permit.

Public Meeting Notice