Feminist Green New Deal

The Green New Deal provides us with a powerful framework to address the climate crisis. It is revolutionary in the way it puts justice at its core, eschewing half-measures and an outdated approach to problem-solving that ends up reinforcing existing systems of oppression and exploitation.

On Tuesday, a coalition of climate justice and women's rights activists and organizations including Sierra Club released a Feminist Agenda for a Green New Deal. It recognizes that a feminist approach to a Green New Deal has the potential to advance women's leadership, gender justice, and human rights, while disrupting oppressive patriarchal power structures.

Click here to check out some of the principles of a Feminist Green New Deal and add your name to show your support!

By rooting our solutions to the climate crisis in feminist and justice-centered approaches, we not only stand a better chance at addressing the climate crisis, we also disrupt and dismantle existing systems of inequality.

The Feminist Agenda for a Green New Deal recognizes that “to truly address the root causes, as well as the scope and scale of the climate crisis, the Green New Deal must be cross-cutting in its approach, steadfast in feminist principles, and strive to combat historical oppressions.”

The feminist approach is inclusive in its intersectionality. It recognizes that “gender interacts with sexuality, race, national origin, class, disability, and other identities to shape people’s access to power and resources, leaving some disproportionately impacted by and vulnerable to climate disruption.”

To address the existential climate crisis, we need a new approach. If you agree and support the Feminist Agenda to a Green New Deal, add your name now!

With your help, we can support a Green New Deal and promote more equitable solutions to the climate crisis.

To read the full list of Feminist Green New Deal principles and learn more, visit http://feministgreennewdeal.com.