Educate a Legislator Day

We are supporting Ohioans from around the state who believe in our right to assemble and to stand up against injustice. Unfortunately, Ohio elected officials support Ohio Senate Bill 33, a bill that criminalizes dissent and protest. 

This is an attempt by the oil and gas industries to intimidate the people of Ohio to prevent us from exercising our right to disagree with government policies. Join us in standing up for our rights?

Ohio SB 33 has been traced back to model bills that are popping up around the country written by harmful special interest groups with generous financial backing from the oil and gas industry. These model bills are distributed to state legislators nationwide, often becoming state law. 

Under this proposed legislation peaceful demonstrators that are present at an event where someone else is assumed to break a law will be charged with a felony. Under this legislation, any organization that is connected to peaceful demonstrators could face extreme financial penalties. This could be bankrupt any organization oppose destructive industrial operations or simply demonstrating their American rights.

The Ohio sponsor of the bill, Senator Frank Hoagland, operates a paramilitary, guns for hire security firm that provides security for the oil and gas industry in the state of Ohio. His firm could directly benefit with increased business if SB 33 passes, yet the Ohio Legislature has failed to address this conflict of interest.

We urge you to make your voice heard in the halls of the State House. If we are silent, the only voices that our legislators will hear will be those of the oil and gas lobbyists. Its time to act in unity, show up in numbers and present them with a clear vision of the world we want for our children.

Join us in standing up for our rights on September 19th, 2019