Green New Deal: What is it? How to take action!

Green New Deal

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What Is a Green New Deal?

A Green New Deal is a bold plan to help us transition from an economy of low wages, toxic pollution, and systemic injustice to one driven by dignified work and 100% clean energy for all.  Here are three things to know about a Green New Deal. 

3 -- The Green New Deal is a massive economic stimulus with 3 essential pillars. There's a wide swath of popular policy ideas that would achieve all three pillars at once. 

  1. Tackling the climate crisis and toxic pollution
  2. Creating good, high-paying jobs
  3. Fighting racial, economic, and gender inequity

2 -- The Green New Deal takes aim at 2 of the biggest crises we face: climate change and inequity. These two crises are joined at the hip. The climate crisis magnifies systemic injustices, as many of the same working class families and communities of color who have to grapple with low wages and toxic pollution are now also getting hit hardest by climate-related storms, wildfires, and flooding. We can’t fully tackle climate change or inequity without addressing the other.  A Green New Deal would take on both.

1 -- It's 1 big deal.  A Green New Deal may sound really big.  That’s intentional.  It’s an invitation for solutions that match the scale of our problems.  It's an opportunity to tackle the twin crises of inequity and climate change at the speed and scale that justice and science demand.

If we lay the groundwork now, we can achieve implementation of a Green New Deal under a new administration.  That means working to foster alignment behind the overall Green New Deal vision, fuel the current surge in Green New Deal momentum, amplify state and local policy wins that lay the groundwork for a national Green New Deal, and support a nationwide, inclusive process in which frontline communities and workers name specific Green New Deal policy ideas.  Please join us!