Ways to Support Our Work!

The Sierra Club Ohio Chapter was established more than 50 years ago and represents more than 200,000 members and supporters in Ohio. We advocate for clean energy for all, safe drinking water, sustainable development, the preservation of wild spaces, and smart public transit. We engage in movement building and litigation to support frontline communities, we use our grassroots power to protect the enviornment and demand a sustainable future. We work to promote Ohio’s transition to a 21st-century economy through the creation of good-paying, long-standing green jobs. Support the Sierra Club Ohio Chapter today to help us keep working for the environment!

  1. Become a Sierra Club Member: By becoming a member, or a gift donor, you are now able to take part in nationwide and international activities including international travel for outings and nationwide service trips!

  2. Make a Financial Contribution: When you donate to the Sierra Club, whether it is one donation or a recurring monthly donation, you help support Ohio Staff as we strive to protect clean water, defend forests, advocate for wild spaces and connect localities to the outdoors! Choose to be a monthly donor to be a Sierra Club Wilderness Guardian and make a difference every day!

  3. DONATE FROM WORK using an EarthShare or other giving program at your workplace! Workplace giving allows employees donate to the nonprofits they care about, primarily through payroll pledges. With EarthShare, donors decide where their donation goes, with the option to share one gift with all, with several, or with just one of EarthShare’s benefiting member nonprofits. Donations through workplace giving enable EarthShare’s members to spend less time fundraising and more time working toward a healthier environment!

  4. WHEN YOU DONATE A VEHICLE that you no longer need or use, you reduce your impact, support the charitable programs of the Ohio Sierra Club and receive a tax deduction. The program runs thru CARS, INC. Give them a call 844-6-SIERRA (844-674-3772, toll free) or visit online at CarEasy.org

  5. Support us with a tax deductible gift to The Sierra Club Foundation: This supports our educational and administrative policy work at the state and federal level, including litigation, forest biodiversity, support of clean sustainable agriculture, protecting Ohio against the dangers of fracking and moving toward a future of clean energy.

      • Make checks payable to The Sierra Club Foundation and mail to Sierra Club Ohio Chapter, PO Box 1977, Westerville, OH 43086
        Contact: Elissa Yoder Mann at elissa.yoder@sierraclub.org for questions and information.


Volunteer with us around the state of Ohio on one of our many campaigns!

Ready for 100: We have campaigns in Cleveland, Columbus, Athens and Kent. The #ReadyFor100 campaign is challenging 100 cities in the United States to step up and commit to 100% clean and renewable energy. A broad majority of Ohioans support clean energy. We now need to mobilize that public support into action. Contact: Chad Stephens-  chad.stephens@sierraclub.org to get connected with a local group, or start your own RF100 Campaign!
Eco Clean Up
Clean Water: The campaign advocates for solutions to prevent waterway pollution – working locally to protect our rivers, streams, tributaries, and wetlands across the state. We have three programs for volunteers to take action, raise awareness, and advocate for clean waterways in their communities. For more information and to sign up for our newsletter visit the Water Committee Page
           Contact Emily Obringer- emily.obringer@sierraclub.org
Past Plastic: This campaign developes creative ways to reduce plastic production and consumption in Ohio. From grassroots movement building, to local government support, to state legislation we advocate for the reduction of plastic development and consumption. For more information visit the Past Plastic page.                                      
           Contact Elissa Yoder Mann- elissa.yoder@sierraclub.org   


Defend Clean Energy: We need volunteers to conduct lobby visits to elected officials, to help with media outreach by writing Letters-to-the-Editor, and to join us for special events.
               To get more involved, please contact Chad at chad.stephens@sierraclub.org 
Green Transportation: The Sierra Club is committed to the advancement of sustainable transportation options, such as public transit, shared-use paths and Complete Streets. Join the OHIO TRANSPORTATION TEAM today! Our Transportation Team call is the second Monday of every month from 7-8p. RSVP here.
              Contact: Nathan Alley- nathan.alley@sierraclub.org
Forests and Public Lands: Sierra Club Ohio's Forest and Public Lands Committee proudly defends Ohio’s State Forests, Parks, and Nature Preserves from commercial logging, fracking, pipelines, and mining. To volunteer and/or join the Ohio Chapter’s Forest and Public Lands Committee,
            Contact Loraine McCosker- Loraine.mccosker@gmail.com and/or David Ackerman- ackey123@gmail.com
Nuclear Power: We invite you to join our Committee listserv! We average 3-4 emails weekly. The list is identified in the subject of all emails.  
            Contact Pat Marida- patmarida@outlook.com, Ohio Nuclear Free Committee Chair.