HB 625 Update: Prohibiting Plastic Bag Fees

As lame duck continues in the Statehouse, much attention has been drawn to many contraversial bills in Ohio, including House Bill 625. This bill is a preemption against local democracy. Preemption is a political tactic used to prevent local decision makers from passing laws, leaving the only authority to the State. In the case of HB625 and companion bill SB210, republicans are pusing to prevent cities, municipalties, and counties from placing a fee on auxilary containers (plastic bags, aluminum cans, etc.). This law is working to prevent something that is not even currently happening in Ohio.

Ohio House passes bill to block cities from charging fees for plastic shopping bags – “[…] no Ohio city has passed a fee on plastic bags or containers to date. ‘This bill poses a solution looking for a problem,’ testified Kent Scarrett of the Ohio Municipal League.”…in the Cincinnati Enquirer - 11/28/18

Ohio House moves to stop cities from imposing plastic bag fees - “It is unclear whether the Ohio Constitution authorizes the General Assembly to limit ‘fees and other charges’ that might be imposed by a municipal corporation or charter county for regulatory or other public welfare purposes.” – Legislative Service Commission…in the Columbus Dispatch – 11/28/18

Ohio House passes bill barring communities from adopting plastic-bag fees or rules - “I think it's sad that our Legislature would award more protections to the plastic-bag industry than to the people for whom they purportedly work. This looks like a clear example of legislative overreach and the preferential treatment of corporations and big business over people.” – Former Athens City Council member Jennifer Cochran…in The Athens News – 12/2/18