New Bicycle Lanes on the Ohio River Trail East!

The Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) will install new bicycle lanes on US 52 east of Cincinnati along the Ohio River. The project includes striping and signage and will be done at no cost to local jurisdictions. Construction is expected to begin in August 2019 and be completed by November 2019. The lanes will run from the existing trail at Five Mile Road along the Ohio River to the Village of New Richmond.

ODOT's new bicycle lanes are the first phase of a project to extend the Ohio River Trail East along a protected alignment, to separate bicyclists and pedestrians from high-speed traffic on US 52. Unfortunately, that stretch of highway has seen two bicyclist fatalities in the last few years, and the Ohio Chapter and our allies are doing everything that we can to make the corridor safer for non-motorized travelers.

See ODOT's announcement below:

ODOT US 52 bike lanes