Compliance Officer Needed

The Ohio Chapter is in urgent need of a Compliance Officer to support the work of the Political Committee. We are most interested in filling the position using a volunteer but would also consider candidates willing to do this work for modest compensation. If you are interested or know someone who might be a candidate, please contact Political Committee Chair Vicky Mattson at

Here is the job description: 

To serve as Election Law Compliance Officer to the Chapter or Group, advising those involved in a chapter’s political program about how to conduct political activities to ensure compliance with the provisions of its own state and local election laws, as well as Sierra Club policies and restrictions.



    • Ensure that the political campaign activities of the chapter and its entities adhere to all applicable state and local election regulation and reporting requirements. This includes responsibility for compliance with the laws and regulations pertaining to direct and in-kind contribution limits, public and member communications, fundraising restrictions, and the reporting of campaign contributions and expenditures.
    • Explain, justify, and persuade Club members to accept and comply with all appropriate Sierra Club policies and Club-related restrictions as stated in the Sierra Club Political Committee Compliance Guidelines and other related resources.
    • Maintain good communications with the chapter chair, political chair, political action committee treasurer(s) and staff regarding pertinent political campaign activities.
    • Serve as a compliance resource for the Chapter’s political program.
    • Keep informed of any changes in regulations and reporting changes in filing dates and requirements for various state and local elections types, the application of 501(c)(4), PAC, and independent expenditures, and other information relating to the Chapter’s state and local campaign-related activities.
    • Maintain a permanent file of campaign reports and correspondence, and pass the file on to compliance officer’s successor.
    • Before leaving office, train a replacement.

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