Call for Nominations — Ohio Sierra Club Executive Committee

 Call for Nominations — Ohio Sierra Club Executive Committee   2-year term 2021-2022

The Ohio Chapter of the Sierra Club is looking for dedicated members who want to take on the exciting and challenging role of being a member of the Chapter Executive Committee (ExCom) by running as a candidate in the 2021 election. The Chapter is dedicated to building a powerful and inclusive environmental movement and needs executive committee members from diverse backgrounds to reach our highest potential.

The ExCom sets the priorities, policies, and budget (with member input) that enable volunteers and staff to carry out the Chapter’s mission. Each ExCom member experiences the rewards and satisfaction of being a part of the team working at the Statehouse, dealing with federal and state agencies, and working in the trenches with local Groups and dedicated volunteers. The Sierra Club is committed to seeking a diverse pool of candidates and encourages members from any background, race, gender, age or location within Ohio to apply.

The ExCom is comprised of 9 elected volunteers, and has the legal responsibility and authority to oversee all staff and volunteer activities of the Sierra Club. Together with one Group Representative from each local Sierra Club Group, the 9 elected ExCom members establish the Club’s conservation priorities, internal policies, and develop and implement the budget.  

 Each ExCom member is elected for a term of 2 years, 5 in one year and 4 in the next.


The Chapter ExCom is a working body. All members are expected to devote sufficient time and energy to the tasks at hand. All ExCom members are expected to:

  • Prepare for and attend 12 Chapter meetings annually, as well as participate in the ExCom listserv email and other ExCom business;

  • Serve actively on one or more committees;

  • Participate in ExCom deliberations by active listening and respectful interactions, with a willingness to learn;

  • Represent and advance the Sierra Club and its programs, campaigns, and policies to various Sierra Club entities and diverse public audiences; and

  • Work to build a broader movement to achieve our most important goals.

Applicants interested in serving should be:

  • Club members in good standing dedicated to the purposes and goals of the Sierra Club;

  • Committed to the Sierra Club’s values of equity, inclusion and justice as reflected in the Jemez Principles of Democratic Organizing;

  • Able to think strategically, politically, and creatively about a range of environmental issues; and be

  • Able and willing to accept the legal and fiduciary responsibilities of a Director.



The Application period for 2020-2021 is now closed.

We will announce when the 2021-2022 nomination process for candidates is open. Please stay tuned.

We will interview prospective candidates by video conference, phone or in-person. Candidates advanced by the Nominating Committee will stand for election by the general membership. Candidates not advanced by the Nominating Committee will be included on the ballot if they collect the signatures of 25 Chapter members by a designated date.



Nominating Committee members 



This year, to aid us in the nominating process, we are asking members interested in being candidates for the 2021-2022 term on the Ohio Sierra Club Executive Committee to return the questionnaire below.  Your answers can be used as a guide in writing your ballot statement.

Please return this questionnaire within one week of receipt.  

 A. In a Word or PDF document, please answers the following questions:

  1. What skills and accomplishments do you have that prepare you to serve on the Sierra Club Board?

  2. What do you wish to accomplish by serving on the Ohio Sierra Club ExCom?

  3. In your opinion what are the most important environmental challenges and opportunities that Ohio faces today and how should the Chapter address them?

  4. As an ExCom member, how would you connect these to today’s broad social and political challenges?

B. Please also list:

 1. Your personal contact information:

  • Name

  • Address

  • E-mail address

  • Telephone

  • URL, website, Facebook, or other online profile, if any

2. Education

3. Brief employment history

4. Engagement, achievements and leadership roles in Sierra Club

5. Engagement, achievements and leadership in other civic organizations

7. The year you joined the Sierra Club and your membership number


Please return the questionnaire to the Nominating Committee.