Update on SB210 and Companion House Bill 625

SB210 and HB625 Update:

At the third hearing in May for SB210, the Health, Human Services, and Medicaid Committee amended the bill to include chartered townships. This mirrors the language of companion House Bill 625. During this hearing there were 9 testimonies in opposition and 1 in favor of SB210. The Ohio Municipal League weighed in on the issue and submitted written testimony in opposition. Below is a picture of Shelly Corbin, Beyond Dirty Fuels Chair testifying along with her four year old daughter.

At the fourth hearing for SB210, Sustainable Delaware member Shelli Clark, waited three hours to give her in-person testimony against the bill. The Ohio Township Association submitted written testimony in opposition. The Committee decided to not vote and SB210 remains in committee. On June 19, HB625 held its second hearing with 6 proponent testimonies, the usual suspects were there, the Bag Alliance, the Grocers Association, Chamber of Commerce, etc.


How can you get involved?

- We need LTE submissions and handwritten letters to elected officials. It will be very important we continue to respond to HB625 and SB625  in a vocal and sustained way so please consider taking action and reaching out to me for more information on how to get engaged.  

- We will continue to monitor HB625 and SB210. When HB625 holds its third hearing, we will testify and work with members and partners to do the same. If you are interested in testifying, please let me know.

- Look for the Sierra Club at community events this summer, we will be collecting vote NO postcards across the state.

- July is Plastic-Free Month, this will be the fourth year the SC Ohio Chapter has participated in this month-long campaign. Staffer Emily Obringer will be sending out weekly updates and tips on how to move toward a plastic-free life. Stay tuned for these emails beginning in July!

- Continue the coversation on social media, educate your friends and family. Beyond Dirty Fuels staffer, Cheryl Johncox, and I are working on this issue together, her voice brings in the manufacturing side of pipelines and fracking supporting plastics in Ohio. We both held separate, hour long interviews on NPR ‘All Sides’: Single-Use Plastics & Alternatives & The Plastic Belt. Please feel free to share on social media!


Elissa Yoder Mann

Conservation Manger

Email: elissa.yoder@sierraclub.org




Senator William Coley, R- 4th District, in Hamilton County

Cosponsor: Senator Eklund

Health, Human Services, and Medicaid Committee


1st Hearing: 12/5/2017


2nd Hearing: 1/30/2018

7 Proponent Testimonies: Novolex, Ohio Grocers Association, Ohio Chamber of Commerce, Ohio Council of Retail Merchants, Ohio Restaurant Association, International Paper, American Forest & Paper Association

Novelx is a plastic packaging company who is funding the Bag the Ban campaign. Novolex actively campaigns against city ordinances controlling plastic bags across the US.


3rd Hearing: 5/15/2018

9 Opponent Testimonies: 3 SC testimonies, Surfrider Foundation, Friends of Lower Olentangy, St. Francis DeSales High School students, 2 citizens, Ohio Municipal League

1 Proponent: Ohio Manufacturers Association


4th Hearing: 6/5/2018

2 Opponent: Sustainable Delaware and Ohio Township Association

Did NOT pass out of committee



Representatives Lang, Lipps
Cosponsors: Representatives Carfagna, Riedel, Roegner, Thompson

Economic Development, Commerce, and Labor Committee


1st Hearing: 5/21/2018


2nd Hearing: 6/19/18

6 Proponent Testimonies: Ohio Council of Retail Merchants, Ohio Chamber of Commerce, Ohio Manufacturers’ Association, American Progressive Bag Alliance, Ohio Grocers Association, NFIB