No Bobcat Trapping This Year!

The Wildlife Council of the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) voted 6 to 1 to indefinitely postpone the proposal to add bobcats to the list of trappable mammals for 2018. The decision came after a months-long fierce debate over the health of Ohio’s bobcat population. Scientists, conservationists, and concerned citizens were mostly opposed, fearing that trapping would once again endanger bobcats. They also questioned the veracity of the data used by ODNR. One member of the Wildlife Council cautioned that the vote should not be read as a “no” vote, but as a “not now” vote instead.

You made this happen! Sierra Club members and supporters attended public meetings, submitted comments, called decision makers to urge them to vote “no”. Together we raised our voices and made The Wildlife Council listen to the public. We will continue to stand up for Ohio’s wildlife and make sure the ODNR makes decisions based on science. Thank you for protecting Ohio’s bobcats!

Link to video.