Take Action to Protect Ohio's Wildlife

The deadline to submit comments regarding the trappings of Ohio's Bobcats is March 31st. Follow this link (scroll down to bottom of page) and make comments on provided form.

There are three opportunities to participate in public hearings, the most important meeting is with the Ohio Wildlife Council on April 11th. Individuals can make a public comment regarding their concerns, but must pre-register by April 9th. Read more for details.

April 9th: Individuals who want to provide comments during the April 11th Wildlife Council Meeting MUST pre-register by calling 614-265-6304. All comments are required to be three minutes or less.

April 11: The Ohio Wildlife Council will hear comments on new hunting provisions, including the bobcat trapping season. Let your voice be heard- Ohio's bobcats are a resource for EVERYONE and should be managed as such.

Ohio Wildlife Council meetings are open to the public. Individuals who want to provide comments on a topic that is currently being considered by council must pre-register at least two days prior to the meeting by calling 614-265-6304. All comments are required to be three minutes or less. All meetings begin at 6:30 pm, unless otherwise noted.

April 11, 2018- Council Meeting, 6:30 p.m.
Wildlife District One Office: 1500 Dublin Road, Columbus

April 23: Public Hearing- Stand Up for Ohio’s Bobcats 2 PM    State Fish & Wildlife Hearing (public comments but do not need to register in advance). These hearings are open to the public and input is permitted within specific time limits. After considering public input, the Ohio Wildlife Council will vote on the proposed rules and season dates during its next meeting.

Fish & Wildlife Hearings will be held on the following dates:
April 23, 2018
Ohio Wildlife Council Hearing at 2:00 p.m.
Wildlife District One Office
1500 Dublin Road, Columbus

April 23, 2018
State Fish and Wildlife Hearing at 2:30 p.m.
Wildlife District One Office
1500 Dublin Road, Columbus
May 9: Final Vote on Ohio’s Bobcat Trapping Season 6:30-9:30pm
Council Meeting and Vote, 6:30 p.m.
Wildlife District One Office
1500 Dublin Road, Columbus

Talking Points:

Please prohibit trapping for turtles, river otters, and bobcats in Ohio. There is not enough data on the populations of turtles, river otters, and bobcats to warrant a trapping season. 

Ohio is one of only five states that allows unlimited harvest of turtles, and turtle populations are in decline across the globe. Bobcats were just delisted from endangered to threatened in 2012 and removed from the list of threatened species in 2014. While visual sightings of bobcats have increased, the number of roadkills has remained constant, indicating that the increased use of trail cameras may be responsible for the increase in visual sightings. River otters are still repopulating Ohio’s waterways after being reintroduced by the Division of Wildlife in 1986. The 2016 survey indicated slight positive growth in otter populations, but also noted that it most likely overestimated the number of otters at 8,000. 

Trapping these animals without a true understanding of their populations is reckless and what led to the extirpation of otters and bobcats from Ohio in the first place. In addition, traps are cruel, inhumane, and indiscriminate. They pose a hazard to other wildlife, people, and their pets. Please listen to the public and use science to protect Ohio’s wildlife, not create regulations that allow for the commercial exploitation of it. Thank you for protecting bobcats, river otters, and turtles.