Ohio's Wildlife is Under Attack

Ohio's wildlife is under attack. The Ohio Division of Wildlife should be protecting our wildlife. Instead they are proposing to allow the trapping of bobcats and the continued trapping of turtles and river otters. Commercial trapping of animals for their furs and shells does not benefit the public. Besides being inhumane, it puts otherwildlife, hikers, and their pets at risk.

Bobcats and river otters are working to establish a healthy population in Ohio. They are in desperate need of protection in order to repopulate their historic ranges. Across the globe turtles are in decline, and Ohio is one of only five remaining states that allows unlimited and commercial harvesting of turtles. The Ohio Wildlife Council is supposed to be guided by science and public input, yet this decision seems to be based on the demands of commercial trappers.   


Stop the trapping of Ohio's wildlife.