Defend Local Democracy From Special Interest

Our democracy is being threatened at the state house! Ohio Senate Bill 210 would halt local governments' efforts to reduce waste and litter associated with disposable food packaging and carryout bags. The bill, introduced by Senator Coley, has language provided directly by special interest groups, including the Koch Brothers, designed to take away local authority.

Sierra Club and a coalition of groups have been advocating that communities in Ohio introduce a fee or ban on plastic bags.  Disposable products that are designed for a single use, such as plastic carryout grocery bags, are wasteful in every sense of the word, and they impose real costs on both consumers and the environment. Cities and counties across the US have introduced fees and bans on single use disposable items. These regulations have been remarkably effective in reducing pollution and the cost of cleaning up waste.  

SB 210 not only threatens the environment but our democracy.  This is a direct attack on the principle of home rule - or the ability of local governments to govern themselves in local matters independent of state law. SB 210 would disempower cities and counties 

that have are taking action to reduce the cost of waste associated with single use disposable items. Local governments bear the costs and should have the right to find their own solutions. We urge you to oppose SB 210 and not allow our democracy to be stolen by special interests funded by dark money!

Please Take Action and Email Your State Senator Right Now!

Stop Sb210


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