Update From The Dirty Fuels Team


Our team welcomes Ohio Chapter Pipeline Chair Shelly Corbin. Shelly is a member of the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe, Active Duty Air National Guard, and lives with her family in Grove City.

We continue to fight the unnecessary fracked gas pipeline buildout in Ohio. We are keeping tabs on more than twelve pipeline proposals in our state, as well as the threat of the Appalachian Petro Chemical Storage Hub. The storage hub is being proposed for the appalachian region of Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Virginia. Find out more

We are working to hold Energy Transfer Partners (ETP) Rover Pipeline accountable for the destruction caused by breaking 105 environmental laws over the summer. We are taking action asking the Ohio Attorney General to take up ETP’s $2.3 million civil penalty recently referred to his office by the Ohio EPA (take action). More than 100 volunteers across Ohio participated in the Stop ETP National Day of Action supported by our partners Keep Wayne Wild, Cleveland Environmental Action Network, and Ohio River Citizen Alliance.

Our team is challenging the certificate granted by regulatory agencies to Nexus Pipeline LLC. National legal staff are challenging the pipeline on grounds of necessity, and improper downstream greenhouse gas assessment. We continue to work in communities fighting this unneeded pipeline. The Pipeline which will go from Michigan and travel west across Ohio will go through: Columbiana, Stark, Summit, Wayne, Medina, Lorain, Huron, Erie, Sandusky, Wood, Lucas, Henry, Fulton Counties. ​Construction is slated to begin later this month.

Divestment from Dirty Fossil Fuels continues to be a priority for our team. We are forming partnerships with communities to divest their local city, and challenge the lending practices of Big Banks that continue to fund dirty infrastructure projects commit our state and country to continued reliance of fossil fuels, and delay investment in clean energy solutions.

Contact Cheryl.Johncox@sierraclub.org for more information on becoming a member of the Dirty Fuels/Pipeline Team.

