Update on fracking in public lands.

Columbus, OH – Environmental groups are asking state senators in Ohio to stick with Gov. John Kasich’s decision to veto a change in appointment authority for the Oil and Gas Leasing Commission. Last week, House lawmakers voted to override the governor’s veto, a decision they say could open up public lands and parks to oil and gas drilling. Comments from Cheryl Johncox, 'Dirty Fuels' campaign organizer, Sierra Club Ohio Chapter; and Dr. Julie Weatherington-Rice, a hydro-geologist from Worthington.  

Hear the whole Ohio News Connection story here.


Wow! If we have seen anything in this budget process, it’s that grassroots organizing works! Because of grassroots pressure, Governor Kasich line-item vetoed an amendment in the Ohio Budget that would have fast-tracked fracking in Ohio’s Public Lands. But the Ohio House just voted to override that veto!

If the Ohio Senate also overrides Kasich’s veto, the authority for fracking Ohio’s Public Lands - like Mohican Forest and the Hocking Hills - will rest with the General Assembly. Governor Kasich has acted to protect our Ohio Public Lands from fracking during his six years in office. Call upon the Senate to not override Kasich’s veto. With your help, we can protect Ohio’s most beloved natural spaces - our State Parks, Forests, and Preserves - from fracking. The senate will vote on this issue on Wednesday, so let’s keep the pressure on them through the weekend until next week Wednesday!


ASK: Please preserve Ohio's public lands for future generations. Do not override veto item 37.




Senate President Larry Obhof (R)

(614) 466-7505

Senate President

Senator Bob Peterson (R)

(614) 466-8156

Senate President Pro Tem

Senator Randy Gardner (R)

(614) 466-8060

Majority Floor Leader

Senator Gayle Manning (R)

(614) 644-7613

Majority Whip

Senator Michael Skindell (D)

614) 466-5123

Environmental Champ


@OhioSenateDems @OhioSenateGOP Protect our state lands, keep fracking out of the state parks & forests! #NoFrackingWay #DoNotOverrideVetoItem37


@OhioSenateDems @OhioSenateGOP Do NOT override veto item 37! Keep fracking out of public lands!



@OHHouseDems @OHRGOP Our safety is not for sale! It is your job to protect public health!

#NoFrackingWay #DoNotOverrideVetoItem37


URGENT: Please call the following senators and urge them to stand with Governor Kasich and protect our public lands from drilling! Do NOT override veto item 37! #NoFrackingWay!

Call NOW:

Senate President Larry Obhof (R) (614)466-7505

Senator Bob Peterson (R) (614)466-8156

Senator Randy Gardner (R) (614)466-8060

Senator Gayle Manning (R)  (614)644-7613

Senator Michael Skindell (D) (614)466-5123

The senate will vote on this issue on Wednesday, so let’s keep the pressure on them through the weekend until July 12!


Below you will find three photos to post on social media:


No Fracking Way!.jpg

SafetyNot for sale.jpg

Tell your senator to protect our public lands from drilling!.jpg