Save Water!

Why save water? The answer is simple we need it! Of the Earth's water only 2.5% of Earth’s water is freshwater and even less of that is clean and safe to drink.  As the human population increases our usage of water does too. Fresh drinking water is now under many threats including; increased population, industrial impacts, underground resource collection techniques, inadequate stormwater management, and wasteful human habits. Our main sources of drinking water come fromaquifers found underground. Many of those aquifers are being depleted faster thanthey are recharged. We run the risk of one day depleting our drinking water resources to catastrophic levels. We have to get better at conserving water, otherwise one day we won't have enough clean drinking water to go around. Be a part of the change and do your part to conserve water!

Here are some tips to help you save water as well as your wallet!

Protect Water- Did you know rain barrels can improve the health of our local waterways? By installing a rain barrel in your backyard, you prevent the amount of water runoff that causes erosion and Sewer overflow. The barrel provides you with a source of water that is safe to use on your lawn and garden. you can reduce your water bill while also becoming an environmental Steward for your neighborhood.

Fill Up to Cut Down- Make sure you're washing machine and dishwasher are filled to capacity before running them to cut energy and water use. You can save even more by air drying your clothes on a clothesline.

Save Electricity and Water- It takes about 2 gallons or 7.6 liters of freshwater to generate each kilowatt-hour of traditional electricity ( So turn it off if you're not using it!

Compost to Conserve- Compost fruit and vegetable peelings and waste instead of using the garbage disposal. You'll save gallons of water each time!

Skip the Bottled Water- It takes three times as much water to make the bottle as it does to fill it! Use a refillable water bottle instead.

Make Meals Meatless- Skip meet one day a week and save hundreds of gallons of water! It takes 1,840 gallons of water to produce just one pound of meat(

Planet Ice- Use the leftover ice from your drinks how to water plants. Place the Ice Cube's under the Moss or dirt of your plants to give them a cool drink that won't overflow or waste water.

Pick Great Plants- Choose native plants instead of a traditional grass lawn because they don't require herbicides, pesticides and fertilizers that can pollute water.

Brush Better- If you turn off the faucet while brushing you can save about 28 gallons in a week (

Prevent Pollution- Buy organic produce because runoff from traditional Farms can pollute water. Also recycle electronics, appliances, fluorescent light bulbs, silver batteries and paint to help keep pollutants out of the water supply.

Author: Aaron Acus-Souders 

