Ohio's Dirty Fuels Campaign Keeps Fossil Fuels in the Ground

Ohio Stands with Standing Rock- The Dirty Fuels Campaign and Sierra Club Ohio Chapter, have been working with Ohio’s local indigenous communities to support the Oceti Sakowin Lakota Sioux tribe in their efforts to block the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) being built by Energy Transfer Partners. These efforts started in July 2016, where the Ohio Chapter was called upon to help support the Oceti Sakowin youth who ran from Cannonball North Dakota to Washington DC, to gain attention to the injustice and environmental impact of DAPL. We worked with local churches, and the Native American Indian Center of Central Ohio to pay for lodging and provide a meal for the youth on their way through Ohio. 

We have continued to support efforts to lift up the voices of Ohio’s native community with a Columbus Day event, rapid response marches and protests targeting Ohio Governor John Kasich, who sent Ohio Highway Patrolman, to aid in the Human Rights Violations being carried out by North Dakota law enforcement,and national banking institutions funding the DAPL project.


Most recently, we worked to provide transportation and resources for six members of Ohio’s native community to the Native Nations Rise March on Washington. We were so proud to be able to support members of the Cheyenne River Sioux, Standing Rock Sioux, Taos Pueblo and Ogalala Sioux Nations living in Ohio.

We are continuing our efforts to lift up voices from Ohio’s native communities by bringing together groups and individuals from across Ohio to call for #Defunding of DAPL and dirty energy pipelines projects in Ohio. 


Ohio Pipeline Intervention


The Ohio Chapter has worked closely with the Michigan Chapter to intervene and provide public comment on permits for Rover Pipeline (also funded by Energy Transfer Partners), and the Nexus Pipeline at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and the Ohio EPA. 


We are forming a Pipeline Task Force to support Ohio communities battling Nexus and Rover Pipeline. We are providing resources and information on financial institutions, such as JP Morgan Chase that is providing financial backing to DAPL, Rover and Nexus, to DAPL and pipeline activists.  As you can imagine tracking down the information on from the US Security and Exchange Commission is a time consuming project and the Dirty Fuels Campaign and Ohio Chapter are always looking for volunteers in this effort.  



We are also working to defend portions of President Obama’s Climate Action Plan that will clean up air pollution from the oil and gas industry and reduce the amount of Methane (the main component of natural gas, and a greenhouse gas that is 87 times more potent than CO2). These efforts are especially challenging amid the new Presidency and political climate.


How you can help.


Join Sierra Club Ohio Chapters Dirty Fuels/Pipeline Committee by sending an email to Cheryl.Johncox@sierraclub.org subject line: Dirty Fuels/Pipeline Committee


Consider scheduling a Dirty Fuels Pipeline presentation at your church or local group meeting by sending an email to Cheryl.johncox@sierraclub.org subject line: Pipeline presentation


Join the Pipeline Task Force


Reduce your dependence on oil and natural gas by purchasing a Hybrid or Electric Vehicle. Visit Sierra Club’s EV guide. Note that it is reported that there is a large supply of used Nissan Leafs with low milage at Ohio dealerships.


Consider heating your house with an energy efficient heat pump.


Donate to Sierra Club Ohio Chapter