Support Public Transit - Contact Your State Senator Today!

More than two years ago, the Ohio Department of Transportation conducted a Transit Needs Study that identified a gap of more than $192 million in capital and $96 million in operating funds that are needed annually just to meet existing demand for public transportation services. But that gap has hardly narrowed. Nearly a third of our counties have no transit services, nearly a tenth of our residents don't have access to a car, and the transportation sector spews out approximately one quarter of our State's air pollution. Ohio sits near the bottom of a list of states ranked by transit expenditures. On top of all that, a gaggle of developers and land speculators have proposed a new highway that would cost billions and disrupt open space and agricultural lands; the Sierra Club is opposed to any spending on the proposed "Eastern Bypass" highway in southwest Ohio.

Take Action Today, We Need Better Transit Options!

There is a great and growing demand for transit and other car-free transportation alternatives. Sensible transportation projects can and should benefit the environment, create opportunities for sustainable economic development, and provide equity and accessibility to all users, regardless of age, income or ability.

Thank You for all the you do for Ohio's Environment,

Nathan Alley, Transportation Policy Coordinator