Save Sawmill Wetlands! A List of What YOU Can Do!!

Update from Michelle Shinew of Friends of Sawmill Wetlands:

It has not been a good fall or winter for the Sawmill Wetlands. The property continues to be locked as we wait for the court hearing to determine whether it will be given away. So many of you have asked what can be done. We must continue to urge Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) to make the strongest possible case (and also to work on backup plans) to ensure that the State honors the overwhelming public demand to keep Sawmill Wetlands protected and open.

Take Action! Get a group or do it individually, but do something in the month of March! Make as many requests to enter the Wetlands (see below) as you can manage during the month of March. We want to feature the Wetlands at their best in the spring so that is why we are waiting until next month to start rolling out our events. 

Here's what you can do to help us save the Sawmill Wetlands:

  1. There is a need to continue showing ODNR that there is a public desire to keep the wetlands protected. This can be through letters, emails, tweets, etc. It would be important to get those to both Director Zerhinger and Deputy Director Fred Shimp, Phone: 614-265-6565.  Please let Attorney General Mike Dewine,  614-466-4986, know that he is needed to win this fight. Please invite anyone from the press that you know to get out to Sawmill Saturday on April 1st to cover this event.
  2. Make your own requests to visit the Wetlands in March (understanding that the ODNR wants to limit access to make sure there is no devaluing/upvaluing of the property).

    Permit requests must be submitted via email at    Permit requests must be received at least 2 weeks in advance and include the following details. 
    • The date(s) when access is being requested.
    • The specific times when access is being requested. 
      • A Division of Wildlife employee will open and close the gates.  The Division of Wildlife reserves the right to deny permit requests in situations when an employee is not available.
    • The name, address, telephone number and email address of the person requesting access. 
      • If applicable, the name of all groups/organizations that plan to access the area.
    • A description of planned activities to be conducted on the area.

Any physical work such as grass cutting, light maintenance, trash clean-up, planting, gardening, etc. can only be performed by people covered under a volunteer agreement.  Call the District 1 Office at 614-644-3925 for more information.

  1. A potential future owner or caretaker of a saved Sawmill Wetland could be the City of Columbus and the City of Columbus Recreation and Parks. Citizen contact with the City (R&P department, City Council, Mayor's office) would also be beneficial to show them that it would be in their interest to preserve Sawmill.  Call the Mayor's office, (614) 645-7671, and City Council, 614-645-7380, to let them know we need their support and invite them to come to our April 1 Sawmill Saturday.
  2. This is a link to a flyer announcing the April 1st Sawmill Saturday.  Please print it and post it at work, church, or other public areas where you may do so.  Your postings will help us boost turnout for that event!