Ohio Chapter 2016 Elections - Call for Submissions

We think the Sierra Club is a special place.  Some of us have been active members for over 25 years.  As Chapter Chair, I myself became a member 15 years ago and was hooked in on Earth Day.

The Sierra Club Mission Statement is:

To explore, enjoy, and protect the wild places of the earth;

To practice and promote the responsible use of the earth's ecosystems and resources;

To educate and enlist humanity to protect and restore the quality of the natural and human environment; and to use all lawful means to carry out these objectives.

While we are well known for being outspoken advocates for environmental conservation.  It isn't the only thing we do.  In a nutshell, we favor living in a world that is sustainable both for the wild places of the earth and for people.  It isn't enough to yearn for something you need to make it happen.  The problem is when you step outside and look at your neighbors, many of them aren't on the same page just yet.  They may not necessarily be hostile so much as they just haven't thought of it yet!

To get them there, we need to expose them to the wild places so they become more than abstract ideas to places they can internalize within their hearts.  We need to show them, not just tell them, how they can change their lifestyles and start living sustainably sooner rather than later.  Get your friends on board and get them to get their other friends on board, and you've just started a movement!  Finally, it's also important to save what's left of those wild places and even to begin restoring them.  As you experience those places first hand and live an eco-centered lifestyle, you'll realize that you're not just protecting wild places and the homes of other species, you're protecting your own home the same way you'd prevent someone from tearing down a wall in your house.  In the same way that having bulldozers on the edge of your property will make you an activist, so will you become one as a wild place you love becomes damaged.

The Sierra Club Ohio Chapter is looking for current members who are interested in getting involved in one or several of these areas by running for an at-large position on our Executive Committee, which is a chapter equivalent to a board of directors.  It is a two year term.  The minimal commitment involves attending meetings every other month in Columbus, or another temporarily designated location in Ohio (3rd Sunday of odd-numbered months).  Of course we will onl  y work best if everyone pitches in to work on what needs to get done by volunteering as officers or on standing committees.  It is always appreciated when Excom members can either personally contribute financially or to assist with fundraising efforts to help the chapter achieve success.  Maybe you'd like to make the world a better place by helping us pass and enforce environmental laws.  To do that we need elected officials that understand the issues, who are willing to balance the needs of nature and society in a sustainable way, and who have the courage and backbone to stand up for what's right.  The Sierra Club Ohio Chapter Political Committee is managed by our Executive Committee but is organized as a financially-distinct organization (IRS 527 instead of 501c3/c4). 

If this appeals to you and sounds like something you would like to be a part of, please contact me to let us know of your interest.  I will have the nominating committee respond soon.  If you're not quite ready to commit to the Excom, but the above still appeals to you, perhaps you may be interested in participating in other ways.  Contact me and I'll be happy to put you in touch with someone that may be of interest to you.

Philip Crume, Chapter Chair, chair at ohio.sierraclub.org

(Note: image of boy in thumbnail obtained from Flickr labeled for reuse.)