National Aerial Art Tour Coming to Cleveland!

Community Members Rally In Support Of New Campaign To Move Cleveland To 100% Clean Energy

National Aerial Art Tour to be held in Cleveland’s Tremont area this Sunday, September 11th  


Cleveland, Ohio ---Community members, faith leaders, environmental justice advocates and many more will rally at Abbey Overlook in Cleveland’s Tremont area this Sunday, September 11th 3:00 pm to launch a new coalition campaign to urge Cleveland city leaders to adopt a goal of moving Cleveland to 100% clean energy.


This event will feature a diverse group of speakers from organizations including the Sierra Club, LEEDCo and local community leaders highlighting the enormous opportunities that a 100% clean energy plan to Cleveland’s economy, public health and local workers.


The event will end with the crowd forming a human image of a wind turbine and spelling out the slogan “100% Clean Energy” The photo will be made available immediately following the event.


17 cities around the country have made commitments to become 100% clean energy, ranging from major urban areas like San Diego to smaller cities like Grand Rapids, MI. Just last week, Boulder, Colorado announced it would commit t 100% clean energy. Denver also announced plans to study pathways to achieving 100% clean energy as part of the city’s greenhouse gas goals.


What: Ready For 100 Cleveland Campaign Launch event & National Aerial Art Tour


Who: Event Speakers Include:

Jennifer Miller, Sierra Club Ohio Director

Dr. Lorry Wagner, LEEDCo President

Rev. Tony Minor, Climate Justice Advocate

Steve McPhee, Cleveland Sierra Club Chair


Where: Abbey Overlook

1402 Abbey Avenue


When: Sunday, September 11th at 3:00 pm


Background: Cleveland is a prime location to become 100% clean renewable energy due to the progressive work of city leadership with the implementation of the “Climate Action Plan” and the fact that Cleveland is currently ranked 35th in clean energy and 4th worst in use of fossil fuels. The Cleveland Ready For 100 National Tour event will feature over 100 renewable energy supporters joining together to form the shape of a wind turbine and a 100% logo. The aerial art images are designed by John Quigley, founder of Spectral Q an internationally renowned aerial artist, producer and activist.   


The Sierra Club is the oldest and largest grassroots environmental group in America with over 2.4 million members. The organization has a commitment to Explore, Enjoy and Protect the Planet. The goals of Cleveland’s Ready For 100 Campaign is to obtain 100% renewable energy in the electric sector by the year 2035 and sector wide by 2050  


Contact: Jocelyn L. Travis

Sierra Club Ready For 100 Campaign Coordinator 

(216) 926.6535