Lets Move Ohio Beyond Plastic

Plastic Bag Pollution places a burden on our communities.  Plastic bags have to be removed from storm drains, parks, and other public areas.  Landfills have to control plastic bags from blowing away and the plastic bags also get entangle in equipment at recycling facilities. Not to mention the cost Plastic pollution is having on our oceans.  Isn't time we said No to Plastic Bags?    

Join us in creating a healthier, less polluted environment by pledging to NOT use single-use plastic bags for the month of July.  Instead, use reusable cloth bags, boxes, or "go commando" and carry out small orders.   Make sure to spread the word about the Past Plastic pledge by telling your friends, family and local grocers/shops why you are choosing to go plastic free for the month of July! 

Take The Past Plastic Pledge

 Watch The Beyond Plastic Bags Video