Au Revoir Les Etats Unis (United States)!

I started my time with Sierra Club as a Fellow in January 2015. I just needed internship credit for my major and I found out about the fellowship from the Student Sierra Coalition on Ohio State campus. I applied for the fellowship and met with Elissa a few weeks later. Little did I know I would be joining an organization that I would just fall in love with. I started my time last January helping input data into our database and now I am finishing my time with Sierra Club as a major contributor to the team for this year’s Earth Month. I have grown so much as a person working with Sierra Club. I am confident speaking to people in public or at an important meeting. I have learned how to have my voice be heard when numerous people are involved in our issues. The amount of information I have learned is incredible. I know so much now about fundraising, conservation, I now know more about how a non-profit works in real life and not just on a university campus.

The people I have had the benefit of working with in Sierra Club are amazing. My supervisor, Elissa Yoder, has taught me so much! I loved working with her and I am so grateful that she was my supervisor. She’s intelligent, confident, and taught me that it is okay to ask others for help. We’re a team. Everyone has been so welcoming to me and helpful that it makes it difficult for me to think about leaving Sierra Club. I will miss everyone and the organization. However, I will be leaving June 4th for the Peace Corps. I will be serving in Togo, a small country in West Africa and I will be an Environment, Food Security, & Agriculture Volunteer. I will probably be living in rural Togo with limited access to electricity and internet. I am very excited for my next adventure! Thank you everyone for such an amazing experience with Sierra Club and helping me along the way. You are great companions on this magnificent spaceship we call Earth. Continue to always Explore, Enjoy, & Protect.


By Destiny Allen